7 Reasons Why I Broke Up with My Exes

Red flags you should watch out for

Manuela Putz
Loveful Mind


When I was younger, I didn’t know a healthy relationship needed boundaries, compromises, and commitment.

I rushed into relationships when I fell for a man and felt comfortable in his presence. I didn’t even think about what kind of standards and values were important to me.

When something bothered me, I told myself: “Well, that’s just how he is, and I have to live with it.”

Today I know setting boundaries, feeling commitment, and making healthy compromises are part of every good romantic relationship. My past relationships and almost-relationships showed me the necessity to discover what’s important to me to find fulfilling love.

Here are 7 red flags you should keep in mind when you just started dating someone new.

Don’t rush into a relationship but find out your priorities to get what you deserve!

1. He doesn’t speak the same love language.

During my first romantic relationship, I felt starved of love. Back then, I wasn’t able to name or justify this feeling of emptiness, but today I’m convinced that our love languages weren’t compatible at all.

The five love languages are:



Manuela Putz
Loveful Mind

Passionate Yoga Movement Teacher/ School Teacher / Living a quiet life in the countryside