
Resources: Here’s What We Did in 2 Weeks of Learning from Home

When there’s plenty of time on your hands, you know it’s time to Learn from Home.

Amrin Kareem


Learn from Home TinkerHub
Credits: Dribbble

The coronavirus pandemic hit India as we were still keenly observing its reverberating effects elsewhere on the globe. One thing led to another and educational institutions in Kerala shut down to contain the spread. Many institutions have started venturing into online platforms to host sessions for students. In others, uncertainty looms large.

Let’s just agree that nobody can stay indoors for an uncertain length of time without being suitably entertained or engaged. While Netflix and YouTube (and inexplicably loud WhatsApp forwards on the typical desi dad’s phone) keep most people entertained, it doesn’t seem fair or logical to curl up and binge away the rest of your quarantine. Your time deserves better.

“It doesn’t seem fair or logical to curl up and binge away the rest of your quarantine. Your time deserves better.”

TinkerHub launched its Learn From Home campaign to get students to make the most of these tough times and get exposed to some of the hottest technology topics out there — Web Development, Python, Flutter, Go, and UI/UX Design.

Who Wanted to Learn What

Within days of the announcement, we received an enthusiastic response: some 2.5k applications flowed in. Almost half of them wanted to learn Python. Close to one-fifth of applicants wanted to learn Web development and Flutter each; one-tenth of the crowd were looking for UI/UX Design, and the remaining wanted to learn GO. As unexpected as the number was, the organizing team did some rigorous shortlisting to arrive at several batches led by an instructor each.

Some great news: We’re really proud that 43 percent of our applicants were female. Also, 60 percent had a basic knowledge of Git. And, a whopping 90 percent were ready to spend an hour or two a day to learn online.

Why are we Telling you This?

If you’re somebody who couldn’t attend the sessions or looking for a tech course, here are the resources from TinkerHub’s Learn From Home sessions:

Web Development

Engaged by Jagannath Bhat, the web development session spanning a week covered introductions to HTML, CSS, Javascript, Material Design, and Firebase hosting. Find the Youtube playlist here:


The Python course was split across 4 mentors Gopikrishnan Sasikumar, Abhai Kollara Dilip, Enfa Rose George and Kurian Benoy. The course covered Flask basics, folder structure, API routes, basic client-server model, forms, GET and POST request, introduction to databases and more. Access the contents here:


Go is an open-source programming language designed at Google. Although similar to C, it has some additional features like memory safety, structural typing, and garbage collection. The session was held by Athul Cyriac Ajay spanning over 2 weeks. The content includes setting up the Go environment, Basic Go syntax, Data Types, Conditionals, Functions, Packages and Error handling in Go. Access it here:


The course spanned over 2 weeks and was split across 5 batches. Topics covered were: intro to product design, intro to UI/UX, Paper mockup preparation, Design Thinking, introduction to Figma, basic features, tools and converting paper to digital lo-fi prototype, Customising the Prototype by advanced features and plugins on Figma, Grids and layout basics, top bar — UI, Figma tools (advanced).

Sessions were hosted by Niyaz Ashraf, Lazim Aslam, Vishnu Ko, Abid Aboobaker and Yadev Jayachandran. Find the playlist here:


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia, and the web.

The LFH Flutter track was hosted by Gokuldas KM and covered: Creating a new flutter project, colors, Icon widgets, Text widgets, buttons, and converting a design to an app.

The course content was based on these amazing tutorials:

If you’d like to choose a particular topic, then here’s a list for you: take your pick!

Happy Learning, peeps!

We love to hear from you! Learn more about us on the website. Reach out to us via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

