Gen Z vs. Millennial Consumers: The Breakdown (Part 2!)

Divergent Paths Emerge with Age and Experience

Ammar Mahmood
Tiny Beast
2 min readSep 27, 2019


If you joined us in Part 1 of our journey through Millennial and Gen Z behavioral variations, then you might remember that we left off with a chilling cliffhanger… well, just more stuff to share. So, here it is. 6 more downloadable points of interest in the cultural and behavioral distinctions that separate Gen Z consumers from their Millennial predecessors. (If you didn’t read Part 1. That’s okay. We still like you.) Enjoy!:

Download this PDF here for quick and convenient reference

So many interesting observations to consider, so little time (to focus). Thanks for joining us. We hope you learned something, or at least killed enough time before your next appointment/class/train stop. To wrap it up, our core advice for marketers and advertisers is to mind the stark differences and the nuances that separate these two consumer groups when planning your overall strategies. Remember, one campaign can serve both segments, but be prepared for more elaborate connection plans. Consider finessing your strategies around targeted placement, value props, alternate creative and messaging, as well as different vehicles to voice those messages authentically for each group. Good luck, and remember — beware the wrath of the memes!

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