To aspiring developers: Look at my app — a quick how-to

Craig Mod
Tiny Design
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016

Each week I get a one or two emails with requests to look at an app — to take a peek, send some feedback. I wish I could look at them all. The truth is, I rarely, if ever, have the mental bandwidth to look at any of them. [1]

You would think that peeking at an app would be simple. But there’s a lot of friction between being offered to test an app and actually doing it. [2]

The goals of these emails are often to get media attention or to get me involved. Step one of either of those goals is to get on my radar. Getting me to download and play with an app is probably too much of a cold ask.

However! I’ve found that if developers include a succinct YouTube clip of their app in motion, being used, I’ll almost always watch it. And if the video delights, then I’m significantly more willing to go through the steps of installing the app whole-hog.

So! To aspiring developers looking to get on radars, try making a 30 second video showing off your app. If you can’t wow or pique the interest of someone with a 30-second clip, then getting them to install the app actually becomes a damaging proposition. The last thing you want is for someone to go through the hoops of installation to be left underwhelmed. Instead, approach people with the clip first, and then if you get a response, follow-on with an offer to install.

Even if I don’t end up installing the app, having seen it in motion gives it a much more tangible place in the mind. And I’m that more inclined to write about or talk about or get involved with it down the line.

[1] I’m just bananas busy and the older I get the more and more addicted I become to saying “no” as a way to protect time and make sure I can give my full attention to current commitments.

[2] This is one of the great disadvantages of apps — you have to install them. If someone sends me a link to a publication, I’ll almost always check it out.

