Bloom With Us: Tiny Life Moments Readers Club

Because our readers have experiences too

Keno Ogbo
Tiny Life Moments


Tiny Readers Club
Illustration from Cronulla Folk on Mixkit

Hello Readers,

Thank you for being part of Tiny Life Moments. We would love you to get involved in our community as we seek to inspire, encourage, and motivate ourselves.

Would you be willing to share some of the life lessons that stood out as you read our stories? You can select these from stories published in the last seven days and we will share these with other readers in our weekly round-up.

How to do this

  1. As you read our stories, highlight the quote you enjoyed.
  2. Once you have your three top quotes, tell us in a story why you choose these quotes (you can do this any day of the week).
  3. Important: Remember to tell us who the writer is (hint: using the ‘@’ symbol before typing the author name will auto-complete the name).
  4. That’s it. I’ll check the comments every Saturday and feature your selection in the Sunday Bulletin.

Thank you and I look forward to reading your top three takeaways.


  • Lessons do not need to be from the same story. We prefer you select them from different stories.
  • Writers can also take



Keno Ogbo
Tiny Life Moments

A stochastic writer, delving into life, tech and fiction. Writing from her West African background, she tackles old issues with a fresh perspective.