I Dance to Feel Joy

A Tiny Life Moment of finding healing through movement

Bingz Huang
Tiny Life Moments
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Photo by Quan Nguyen on Unsplash

The moment

It all started from participating in this super supportive Facebook group for women all over the world in November 2019. The fun rule is to post a video of myself dancing in any way to any music so that we can witness all of us dancing ‘together’ in the group.

At first, it felt quite awkward dancing by myself without any pre-choreographed steps. Will others judge that I’m too fat? Or that I dance sloppily? Or that I’m weird and awkward?

Gradually, I finally managed to be kinder to myself and focus on reconnecting to my joy through dance, like in this little video!


I used to be very active in learning hip hop dance in my University’s dance club more than two decades ago!

It was so much fun soaking up newly learned dance moves, training, performing, and even competing occasionally! But as my dance mates and I spent increasingly long hours training ourselves for dance shows…



Bingz Huang
Tiny Life Moments

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.