The Art of Escaping Potential Death

A Tiny Life Moment of Escape

Keno Ogbo
Tiny Life Moments


Image by pasja1000 on Pixabay

The Moment

Jesus, help me, save me. Get me off this motorway. Jesus spare my life. I am afraid. I cannot handle this.

I started off muttering to myself, the music blaring. Then the music became a distraction. I turned it off and prayed. This time aloud. Death if it happened would be a relief. If I survived an accident, it would be with life-altering injuries. The traffic on the road was way too fast, that dark rainy night.

I continued praying, this time loudly. Shouting in my car.

Jesus, help me, save me. Get me off this motorway. Jesus spare my life. I am afraid. I cannot handle this.

The Reflection

The four-lane motorway had no lights for the stretch between the A12 and the M11. Unlike American roads, the lanes were narrow. The outer lane had the usual queue of large international transporters (huge 16 wheeled lorries and low loaders). But wait, it was not the usual queue. It was very fast-moving red lights in the heavy rain.

Two minutes on the motorway, and I knew I was in trouble. The lorries in front of me sprayed the rainwater too fast for my wipers. I slowed down to avoid the spray, then looked in my rear window to see a…



Keno Ogbo
Tiny Life Moments

A stochastic writer, delving into life, tech and fiction. Writing from her West African background, she tackles old issues with a fresh perspective.