You’ll Find No Comfort There

A Tiny Moment of “Why Scrolling Your Life Away Won’t Save You”

Josh Kiev
Tiny Life Moments


Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

The Moment

I look at the little red numbers. They tell my brain that something is waiting for me on the other side. I get a little adrenaline rush when I tap on it. Did my friend like my comment? Surely they are LOL-ing at that clever meme I sent. Everybody knows Clark Griswold, right?

Two things are about to happen. Either I am going to be upset that no one reacted to my cleverness or I am going to keep wanting more of this attention. I might lose two hours staring at a black mirror. Then I will have to decide when I tap my last comment. More people waiting.

The Reflection

The social media circus is costly. It costs nothing to attend other than your entire being. We will look at that in a minute. It is far from free. If you’re looking for a fight, you’ll find it. If you're looking for like minds you’ll find them too. The question is are they really with you or against you? There are no answers here on social media, only tricky paths, and slippery slopes. Sure, it may be cool to “connect” with each other and go fund stuff or promote your online poetry slam, but is it a connection?

We need physical proximity for proper connection. Say that three times. Connecting is…



Josh Kiev
Tiny Life Moments

Actor. Chef. Philosopher. Never Surrender-er. https:///