The Myth

How society thinks nowadays. 



There are two major things in life. The process and the outcome. That means, the task, the effort to reach a goal, and the result of it. But from those two, what really matter is, obviously, the outcome!

This harmless and simple western mindset is the core foundation and main disseminator of the two-lives-schizophrenic myth.

What is it a job, a work? Nothing more that a mean to earn a living. It is a not so pleasant obligation that leads to monetary rewards. Whenever we are really frustrated with our work, questioning ourselves about why are we still doing this. Always the same motivation comes to our minds: “I have to focus in the paycheck in the end of the month, in the new car that I will buy, in the outcome of this process”

So, we broke our lives into two:

Life One — The card-puncher

This guy is all about hard efforts and sacrifices. He constantly have to struggle and suffer, but that is just the price he has to pay to give his alter-ego a chance of happiness. He is competent, serious, reliable and greedy. This is what he must be, ‘cause it is what’s expected of him.
(This is the life that we spend most of our time, mainly cause we believe that it will grant us more rewards to enjoy in our other life)

Life two — The enjoyment

Thank god we can be this guy for a while! Now is time to spend, enjoy, smile. To be happy! This guy is loving, friendly, funny and blissful. And that’s just how he is, that’s his nature.

So, what happen in the end of this schizophrenic life?

Never stopping mind, stress, heart attacks, little time with the family, and the most important of all: The complete and utterly depreciation of work. After all, it is just a necessary evil for the outcome, and not something meaningful and rewarding in it self.

In the pursuit of trying to live two lives, we do not give due importance to any of them, and in the end we don’t live neither.

Our work is what we will leave for this world, is the moment that we are productive and can really add something to others. We are not a simple function in a corporation, as much as we are not just a brother, a father or a friend. We are a person with stories, experiences and unique traits, whose somehow influence the world around us.

Not two wasted lives… But a meaningful one.




A search about genuine work fulfilment @fulfillproject