Tiny Plug Dashboard

Arpita Nayak
Tiny Plug
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2019

Is it easy to believe in what you can’t see? Perhaps not. And that’s the best part of Tiny Plug. Tiny Plug widget comes with a dashboard that tells you how many people contacted you through Tiny Plug every day. Let’s have a look.

How to use Tiny Plug Dashboard?

Kindly Note: Tiny Plug Dashboard works only after you have added the Tiny Plug widget code to your website.

You can access the dashboard by clicking on the dashboard link on the homepage.

Desktop View of Tiny Plug Dashboard

Tiny Plug analytics

The dashboard contains visitor data from all the widgets. One can also check individual widget information by disabling the other widget icons.

Tiny Plug dashboard

Mobile View of Tiny Plug Dashboard

Tiny Plug dashboard

Why Tiny Plug Dashboard?

Tiny Plug dashboard can help you understand how many website visitors are being converted into verified leads on a daily basis. Following are some reasons why we think this data might interest you:

1. A time-saving way to know how many visitors used Tiny Plug widgets: It’s the best way to count the widget users and it would also help you to know if there were drop-outs in between clicking on the widgets and sending messages.

2. Doing A/B Testing between messages: If you want to check the performance of pre-filled message and greeting message, you can use Tiny Plug dashboard to check the drop-outs.

3. When someone else handling Tiny Plug: If you have delegated the messaging action to one of your teammates and would like to monitor, Tiny Plug dashboard would help you.

4. When the same number is used for different channels: If you have already been using WhatsApp for business purpose and it is difficult to determine how many of them are routed through Tiny Plug widgets

Would you like to know more? Check out our blog

We have also compiled a set of articles that would help you get to know Tiny Plug more and provide a ready reckoner that would help you make the best use of Tiny Plug. You would also find some useful posts on effectively designing your messages and user experience.

If you have a query, you can reach out to us at Help@TinyPlug.io or leave a reply in the comments section below. We would get back to you with a solution as fast as we can.

