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How I put SEO to work on my side projects

I’ve made plenty of mistakes building side projects based only on a hunch. Most didn’t work, but I’ve found a better way.

Mark Bowley
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Having seen SEO at work on one of my older projects (initially a happy SEO accident, but now I’m pursuing it properly), I had a light bulb moment.

So I’ve switched to only pursuing side project ideas with researched keywords now.

What do I mean by researched? In simple terms it means a decent keyword Volume, low KD, and lots of long tail keywords. This is research you can do for free too, not even with expensive tools.

Let’s look at a couple of examples of mine (not flexing here, this is purely to demonstrate).

1. A directory + blog I launched 4 years ago

(This is the happy SEO accident mentioned above).
Last 30 days stats:

2.8k page views, 840 Google clicks

  • This site has around 50 directory listings, and 40 blogs at least count.
  • Domain is not a .com and doesn’t match the keywords
  • I’ve not even done any backlink work yet

2. A directory I launched only 6 weeks ago:

Last 30 days stats:

660 page views, 60 Google clicks

  • Launched with just 100+ listings, no blogs
  • Domain is a .com and matches the keywords
  • I’ve not done any backlink work on this one yet either

If you haven’t dipped your toe into the world of SEO for your side projects, I really recommend you do. It could save you hours of wasted time.

I’ll write more on my SEO journey here in future posts.



Mark Bowley
Tiny SEO Lessons

I write about building online, leveraging design, nocode, SEO and AI. For more from me, join my newsletter at