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SEO is calm discovery and research

SEO isn’t just about search rankings, it’s also a gateway to understanding your audience.

Mark Bowley
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2024


The digital marketplace can be a maddening place for introverted creators. The pressure to network, pitch, and constantly engage in a ‘building in public’ style can feel overwhelming. Sometimes draining the very creativity that fuels our work.

There is an alternative, which if done well can become your secret weapon. A realm where quiet observation and thoughtful analysis reign supreme.

SEO data analysis is something I’ve been dipping my toe into for a while, as an aside to always building in public.

I do still engage in public frequently, I just wanted to take the pressure off, and stop the reliance on being sociable to get ideas started.

By analysing information instead, it turns networking on its head — you will be able to draw in those interested in what you have to offer.

The process is methodical too, allowing for deeper focus. It’s just you, your thoughts, and a wealth of information at your fingertips.

You can anticipate trends, identify gaps, and recognise opportunities others might miss.

This kind of insight, gained through quiet contemplation rather than louder social observation, can become your unique advantage in the digital marketplace.

For more like this, please consider following Tiny SEO Lessons on Medium.

I’m Mark, a creator and solopreneur in the UK. I write on Medium and create resources to help others get their own ideas started.



Mark Bowley

I write about building online, leveraging design, nocode, SEO and AI. For more from me, join my newsletter at