GSoC @ Barrel: Adding Elixir to Barrel

Sushruth Siv
Tiny Tech Tales
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2016

Hey folks, it gives me immense pleasure to let you know my proposal has been selected for this year’s Google Summer of Code with the wonderful BEAM Community. So I will be spending the summers and hopefully more coding away at Barrel.

The proposal title is Implement an elixir backend for indexing and extending the database.

I am grateful to Benoit and Nicolas for trusting me and accepting to mentor me and PJ Hampton for his help and support throughout.

is a distributed database built on top of Erlang and CouchDB. There are provisions in Barrel to extend the database with user defined modules and hooking them to database events like database creation, deletion, updates etc. Barrel now uses Hooks to let modules subscribe to the events and register a callable that can return and modify results.
Secondary indexes can also be created using functions that accept a Doc and return a Key/Value tuple.Right now there is provision only for functions written in Erlang or Javascript.The aim of the proposal is to add Elixir to the list of languages supported by Erlang. This would allow more developers to extend barrel and also brings a whole bunch of libraries and support from the Elixir ecosystem.

I look forward to continuing my work with the BEAM Community and take Barrel to greater heights.

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