What Ceres means in astrology

Bianca Zagan
Astrology for Self Discovery
4 min readDec 2, 2022


For the Romans, Ceres was the goddess of soil, agriculture, grains and also of the seasons. Her symbols include a poppy flower or wheat. The ancients believed that she had been the first to teach humanity agriculture, harvesting wheat and making bread.

Because Modern Astrology uses planets and asteroids named after the astrology practiced by the Romans, I will develop on the myth behind Ceres.

Astronomically, Ceres was the first asteroid discovered in 1801, between Mars and Jupiter; announced as a planet by its discoverer Giuseppe Piazzi, then demoted to asteroid status and since 2006 — it is considered a dwarf planet.

This up and down in the status of this planet reminds me of women’s status in society: in antiquity with high respect for its role in society, then stripped of many rights for centuries, and recently: gaining back recognition.

Back to Roman mythology (which by the way, adopts many Greek stories about similar gods). Ceres (correspondent of the Greek goddess Demeter) was the second daughter of Saturn and Rhea (Ops according to different sources).

She was a sister then wife of Jupiter, Saturn’s overthrower. Together, they had a daughter, Proserpina (Greek: Persephone), renowned for her beauty. One day, Pluto was struck by one of Cupid’s arrows and he fell in love with Proserpina…



Bianca Zagan
Astrology for Self Discovery

Passionate about understanding how the irrational human mind creates our reality in 8 billion versions