What Saturn means in astrology: from myth to 2023’s Saturn in Pisces

Bianca Zagan
Astrology for Self Discovery
4 min readNov 18, 2022


Saturn in space

Saturn enters Pisces in March 2023, with potential for earning a life lesson and a reward, for doing things the right way, not the easy way in a particular area of life — as I’ll cover further in this article. As always with any planet/sign in astrology, there is potential for creating life on the positive spectrum, but also on the negative side.

The myth of Saturn

Think of Saturn as the archetype of a conservative old male, who made its way to the top by being fierce, determined, and fighting against the harsh beginnings of his life.

In mythology, his father, Uranus — one of the primordial gods, took each of his 45 children and as soon as they were born, they were thrown in the underbelly of the earth, in Tartarus. Uranus did so because he was afraid of the potential power of his children.

Eventually, the last born — Saturn — helped by his mother, Gaia, escaped Tartarus and overthrew his father by castrating him, taking rulership of the world. Before dying, Uranus cursed his son, Saturn, to be taken down by his own children.

Saturn had children but ate every one of them when they were born. After losing many children this way, his wife — Ops, by some legends, Rhea, according to others — made a plan to save her last…



Bianca Zagan
Astrology for Self Discovery

Passionate about understanding how the irrational human mind creates our reality in 8 billion versions