Building a Creative Hub for a Digital Product Studio: Week 2

Edanur Yıldız
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2021

Hello, I’m Eda. I am one of the founders of Tio, a digital product studio based in Istanbul. Tio is moving into a new office space. Our new place was a woodshop and we are blogging about its transformation into a digital product studio on Medium. You can read the first week from here.

The space we rented was a 30 year old woodshop. So there were a lot of woodworking tools and leftovers. We kept the old (cute! ❤) sitting group, some doors, some glasses and a wood frame. The rest was removed.

Next thing we did was creating a “coming soon” storefront to say hi to the neighborhood and letting them know that we will be around. We took a print out of the banner we designed on a4 papers instead of making one huge poster because we wanted a grid-like feeling on the windows. Well, posting them on the windows took a while (like 3 hours?) but the result was worth it. 😇

Then, we took measurements and created floor plans of the space. We decided on functions we need in our working space and placed them accordingly. We want a software demo space, a meeting pod, a standing desk, a meeting area, a kitchen, coffee station, a working station for physical product creation such as ceramics, a recording space for videos/podcasts and finally standard working desks.

C’est quoi ça?

Now, we are working on the materials and colors we will use for decoration. We want to keep the rough workshop feeling but still, there are a lot of details to decide such as kitchen, restroom, ironworks etc. We will reupholster the sitting group I mentioned before so we need to choose fabrics too. This decisions are really fun because it is totally different then our routine at work, I guess.

Old Sitting Group — Should we go for yellow?

The constructors started working on coating, this will take a while. Electricity wiring and plumbing jobs are next. So there is much progress to be made to start working on painting.


Bonus: We did some concrete experiments for some table tops. Colors, different aggregates etc. Decided not to use them after all. 🙃

See you next week with more updates. Follow us on Instagram to see the progress on a daily basis. Hit the clap button to motivate and support us!👏🏼

tio is a digital product studio based in Istanbul. We create beautiful digital products, human-centric digital experiences. Do you think we can work together? Contact us!

Find out about us more on Instagram and Twitter. Subscribe to our publication for upcoming stories. 🙌🏻

