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To Amuse

Amber Gordon
TIO Labs
2 min readJan 27, 2015


Hi, I’m Amber, otherwise known as Mommy. I’ve been around the block a time or two (usually pushing a stroller), and I’m no expert, but after four children I think I’m pretty darn close. My idea of a good time is getting a big, sticky kiss or receiving an art project made of pasta… Pasta that I probably gave to a screaming toddler to keep her occupied while I made dinner.

While raising my family I’m also a full time student. Juggling schoolwork and kids isn’t always as easy as scheduling classes around childcare. I can’t tell you how many times I held a child in one arm and typed an entire assignment one-handed. From this, I learned two things: how to manage my time, and to get a good back massage once in a while.

To Teach

I’m Amber. Being a mother to four great kids has helped me grow as a person, as well as become a mama-guru. I have been a stay-at-home mother, a working mother, and a full time student and parent. Cloth diapers, disposable diapers, nursing, bottle feeding, premature baby, two week overdue baby, you name it, I’ve been there.

It can be hard to prioritize when everything is a priority, and if there is anything I have learned as both mother and student it’s time management. One trick is to think about things in half time. Basically, I pretend I only have half the time I actually have to do something. If I have two days to finish an assignment, I try to get it done in one. If I have two hours to get my kids ready to leave, I get it done right away. This way, I can move on to the next task without worrying about all the things I still need to do. Feeling accomplished can be a huge motivator.

To Raise Awareness

Did you know that the United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the western world? And, sadly, only about 1.5% of those teen mothers will earn a college degree before their 30th birthday.

My name is Amber. When I was 16, I found out that I was pregnant with my first child. I knew my options, but for me there was only one — do my best. Now, at 27, I am a mother of four and am three semesters away from graduating with three degrees and a minor. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.

To Help

I’m Amber, mother of four. As many parents say, raising children can be difficult at times, but it’s so very worth it. Still, sometimes motherhood is overwhelming, and all a mom needs is a little help or understanding from someone who has been through a similar experience. It’s difficult enough to devote so much time and energy to raising children, without adding full time school. I hope that writing about my experiences and sharing tips and advice I have learned will help others in their own child raising adventures.

