Meet our Explorer Li Mei

Tiplr Mag
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2017

Li joined the Tiplr community in the best possible way, on a recommendation from another Explorer! She was born in China, and immigrated with her parents to the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio when she was two years old. The United States was all she knew growing up. That all changed after she started college at The Ohio State University. Post graduation, she moved to Michigan to start her first corporate job. Her first Europe trip followed a year after.

She says, “I had this epiphany whilst on the bus from Florence to the airport — I knew I had to come back. Three months later, I found myself turning in my two-week notice at work, and then I bought a one-way ticket to Barcelona, Spain.”

After nearly three amazing years overseas, she’s in the process of moving back to the States and relocating to the city of Chicago. “ I’ll be starting a new job in telecommunications and I’m incredibly excited for a new adventure. I’m especially looking forward to the Chicago summer, which I know is full of street festivals, outdoor concerts, and lake activities. Personally, I can’t wait to attend more improv/stand up comedy shows — Chicago is one of the improv capitals of the world! Did you know that Tina Fey and Steve Carell got their big break at The Second City in Chicago?”

This new career chapter doesn’t mean Li will stop traveling, however. She wants to travel as much as she can despite a limited number of vacation days and plans on heading to Asia next!

Granada, Spain

Why do you travel?​

I travel to ​discover new places and to make my childhood dream of ‘traveling the world’ come true. More importantly, I do it to discover more about myself via some soul searching.

Where was your last trip?

My last trip was to Copenhagen, Denmark. I’ve always hesitated on the Scandinavian ​countries in the past because they’re so much more expensive than other parts of Europe, but I absolutely loved the city. ​I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere.. and the all-year round street food building — you can find a variety of different foods, and at budget friendly prices.

Favorite thing you found by chance while traveling?​

​In Granada, Spain, I stumbled upon a “carmen,” which is a traditional private garden. Due to its optimal location in the historic Albayzin Hill neighborhood, the Carmen de la Victoria has spectacular views of the famous Alhambra​.​ It currently belongs to the property of the University of Granada, but you can enter for free after you ring the bell next to the fenced door entrance.

Strangest experience while traveling?​

It was in Florence, Italy, and I stopped to have lunch at this low-key café. There were two elderly employees, and a few other customers besides us, when all of a sudden, two female undercover police officers charged in and started to question the employees. Apparently, this café didn’t have a license to operate as a food service, yet they were doing so anyways. It was a very uncomfortable experience to sit through, as we learnt that it was an illegal establishment, and that they would have to face the consequences.

Where are you off to next?

Actually, I’m about to relocate back stateside to Chicago, Illinois! The last 2.5 years in Barcelona has been great; I’ve met so many new people and I was able to travel to many new cities within Europe. However, it’s time to start a new adventure, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be traveling to other parts of the world in the near future!

Any tips you’d share with others about the city or region you currently reside in?​

Barcelona has much more to offer than just parties, paella, and sangria. The cosmopolitan city is rich with amazing architecture, countless cultural exhibitions and the gathering of top notch conferences like the Mobile World Congress (which I had a chance to attend!). However, I would have to say that my favorite part about living in the city is the variety of restaurants from every corner of the world. That, and the weather of course!

Photo Credits: Li Mei

Interview by Managing Editor: Tara Turner

Find tips from Li and other Explorers on the Tiplr iOS app!



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