Chronic Homelessness Initiative Monthly Spotlight — June 2018

Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018


No single leader, organization or even sector can solve the issue of homelessness alone. It is critical to work across sectors to develop a shared understanding of the issue, set clear goals, and align resources.

Nationally, efforts to end homelessness have benefited greatly from groups of both public and private funders aligning their resources for greater impact. An exciting initiative underway on the local level is a new Funders Collaborative that brings cross-sector partners together to address chronic homelessness. This Spotlight gives you a preview of that effort.

We’re optimistic about the work we’ll be able to do with Mayor-Elect Breed at the helm, and will continue to keep you updated on our progress through this newsletter.

All my best,

CEO + Founder, Tipping Point Community

Snapshot: Public-Private Funders Collaborative on Chronic Homelessness

Earlier this year, the Mayor’s Office, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, and Tipping Point Community spearheaded the planning and development of the Funders Collaborative. The purpose is to align private and public funding, advocate in support of solutions to reduce chronic homelessness in San Francisco, and hold ourselves mutually accountable to common goals. To date, 18 departments and organizations have participated: California Health Care Foundation, Citibank, the Controller’s Office, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, the Department of Public Health, Dignity Health, the Housing Authority, Kaiser Permanente, the Human Services Agency, the Mayor’s Office, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, PwC, Salesforce, San Francisco Foundation, San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund, the Sheriff’s Department, Tipping Point Community, and Zendesk.

At the meeting in April, the Funders Collaborative adopted an ambitious goal to provide 6,750 housing opportunities for individuals experiencing homelessness by 2022. Housing opportunities include permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and problem-solving (eg: family reunification). The Funders Collaborative is in the process of determining the level of investment they will make to fund the strategies that will get us to that goal.

Who’s Making It Happen

Strategic Advisor, Public-Private Funder’s Collaborative

Mandy Chapman Semple has nearly 15 years of experience working with public agencies and departments on addressing issues of homelessness all across the country. As Special Assistant to the Mayor of Houston for homelessness initiatives, she helped reduce chronic homelessness in the city by 75% through increasing rigor around data, eliminating duplication of services for individuals, and better coordination of public and private funding sources. Mandy will be bringing her expertise in the space to her role as an advisor to the Funders Collaborative.

What We’re Reading

We often look to other regions to learn best practices, such as initiatives underway in Los Angeles and Santa Clara. Since 2011, public and private funders in L.A. have come together in a Funders Collaborative as part of the Home For Good campaign to create a more coordinated approach to funding permanent supportive housing (PSH) for people experiencing chronic homelessness. We’ve also looked to our neighbors in Santa Clara who have the ambitious goal to end homelessness in the County.Destination: Home is a cross-sector collaboration that drives and aligns resources to create permanent housing and sustainable support systems for the long term in Santa Clara. They’ve housed more than 5,100 people since 2015.

Chronic Homelessness Initiative Overview

There are approximately 2,100 people experiencing chronic homelessness on any given night in San Francisco. Tipping Point’s $100 million pledge marks the single largest private investment to address homelessness in City history.

Tipping Point takes a three-pronged approach to our impact goal. See here for more details. If you are receiving this email as a forward, subscribe here to receive this update monthly.



Tipping Point
Tipping Point

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