Spotlight on Chronic Homelessness — Rising Up to Reduce Youth Homelessness

Tipping Point
Tipping Point
4 min readNov 14, 2018


Dear Friends,

Every night, there are more than 1,200 young people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. And we know that 50% of all chronically homeless adults first experienced homelessness before their 25th birthday. This link between youth homelessness and chronic homelessness is undeniable and tragic. That is why Tipping Point is investing in interventions that support vulnerable people earlier in their lives. These are our kids — and the future of our city.

In October, I joined San Francisco’s Mayor London Breed and Larkin Street Youth Services Executive Director Sherilyn Adams (a long-time Tipping Point grantee) to announce the Rising Up campaign. Tipping Point has committed $3 million to kickstart this bold program targeting transitional-aged youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in San Francisco.

Rising Up unites multiple sectors around a decisive goal: reduce youth homelessness in San Francisco in half by 2023. This collective response for our youth includes City partners:

Nonprofit partners:

Private sector partners:

We are proud to be part of this ambitious campaign that will invest in young people when they need us most. Read on to learn more about Rising Up.

All my best,

CEO + Founder, Tipping Point Community

Snapshot: Rising Up to Reduce Youth Homelessness

Over the next three years, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) will partner with Larkin Street to connect a minimum of 500 young people 18–24 (and sometimes as old as 27) with “rapid rehousing” services. An additional 450 youth will receive “problem solving” services to prevent or quickly address their housing instability. Here’s how:

Rapid Rehousing — Rising Up follows national best practices for helping people exit homelessness through customized intensive case management and services including: support finding a home, financial assistance for a security deposit or furniture, monthly rent subsidies for up to three years that will phase out as income increases, education and job training, and support finding and securing employment.

Problem Solving — For many young people, a brief, less-intensive set of services can prevent homelessness. Short-term assistance such as one-month rent subsidies, cash for a security deposit, or mediation services will successfully help transition-aged youth avoid homelessness or quickly resolve their housing instability.

Who’s Making It Happen

Ali Schlageter + Alan Guttirez

“The Rising Up campaign is the culmination of fearless advocacy among youth, non-profit providers, philanthropy, and City departments to significantly reduce youth homelessness in San Francisco.” — Alan Guttirez, Rapid Rehousing Program Manager, HSH

“The Rising Up campaign represents an unprecedented investment in youth experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. It’s an exciting time as so many stakeholders are coming together to rally around our young people!” Ali Schlageter, Youth Program Manager, HSH

Together, Alan Guttirez and Ali Schlageter bring decades of compassionate service to San Franciscans experiencing domestic violence, discrimination, and homelessness. Both play a critical role in the success of Rising Up: Alan will administer grants by HSH to connect transitional-aged youth to housing and support services, while Ali will coordinate service delivery to Rising Up participants across City departments and nonprofits.

What We’re Reading

“SF, nonprofits, private sector team up to get homeless youth off streets” — Details on the Rising Up campaign, with statements from Tipping Point, Mayor London Breed, and Sherilyn Adams of Larkin Street Youth Services.

This month, Gov. Brown signed bills to fast-track housing for homeless individuals and add programs for homeless youth. The Homeless Youth Act of 2018 (SB 918) co-sponsored by Senator Scott Wiener, Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio, Tipping Point, Larkin Street Youth Services, and a coalition of youth services organizations, was signed into law this month, making $30 million dollars available annually for youth homelessness programs across California.

Chronic Homelessness Initiative Overview

There are approximately 2,100 people experiencing chronic homelessness on any given night in San Francisco. Tipping Point’s $100 million pledge marks the single largest private investment to address homelessness in City history.

Tipping Point takes a three-pronged approach to our impact goal. See here for more details. If you are receiving this email as a forward, subscribe here to receive this update monthly.



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