We Are Better Than This

Daniel Lurie
Tipping Point
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2017
The protests at San Francisco Airport on Sunday. Source: Creative Commons

This past week has tested all of us. It has reinforced for me that the work of our 44 grantees is more important than ever.

I shared this note with the Tipping Point staff today, and wanted to share with the broader community as well.

It’s been several days since the President enacted an Executive Order banning immigration from seven Muslim countries and halting the acceptance of Syrian refugees. I know it’s been a difficult week for many of us and I wanted to share some thoughts.

I went with a friend to join the protestors at SFO last Sunday night. I had missed the chance to do the Women’s March with my wife, and wanted my voice and presence to be heard.

The scene at the airport made me stop and reflect on our work these past 11+ years. Despite our booming Bay Area economy, many people have been left behind, forgotten and discriminated against for as long as we have been fighting poverty (and obviously long before that, too). Where were the protestors then? But then I realized: they were at the 44 groups we fund. They were the counselors helping Dreamers apply to be the first in their families to go to college, the case managers out there helping get LGBTQ youth off the streets and into stable housing, the IT instructors supporting an African American former foster youth land a job that pays $75K a year.

America has never been equal. We have fallen short of our ideals, our promises to Native Americans and Black communities. But until now, we have had leaders who are willing to dream big and push for progress. Despite all of our limitations as a country and as a people, we are better than the actions coming from our President.

I have always thought we should keep our heads down and serve our groups, that we should fight quietly, behind the scenes. No longer. This cannot stand. Regardless of whether someone was born in Bayview or abroad, we don’t distinguish between those in need. We welcome people. We run to help. As the assault on our safety net is likely to continue over the weeks and months ahead, we will create opportunities for everyone in our community. This is what we have always done, and this is what we will continue to do.

Thank you for your dedication and service. I am proud to work alongside you and I encourage you to share your thoughts if and when you feel moved to do so.



Daniel Lurie
Tipping Point

Passionate about fighting poverty and making our community stronger. CEO of @tippingpoint and Chairman of @Superbowl50 Committee.