5 Thank You Messages To Use On Your Web Forms

Tips and Tricks About Online Forms
3 min readSep 16, 2014

Look at you. You’ve made web form creation look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you’re ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast!

Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning.

With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way — it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you.

Tried-and-True Thank Yous

Here’s some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don’t forget to customize the message for your business.


Thank you for getting in touch!

We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly.

Have a great day!


Thanks for being awesome!

We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible.

Talk to you soon,
[Your Company]


Thank you for filling out your information!

We’ve sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

The [Your Company] Team


Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out!

We’re thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can’t wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like.



Thanks for filling out our form!

We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts [link to another page — will be displayed as Please click here to continue].

Your friends at [Your Company]

Setting Up Thank You Messages in 123ContactForm

123ContactForm comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages.

In the form editor, you’ll find them at SettingsThank You Page.

Show text
This is the default option. A confirmation of successful form submission appears in the same space where the form had been.

Redirect to a web page
This sends users to a page on your site that’s as rich as you dare. Keep your new and old friends on your site with compelling content. Here’s how.

Show text, then redirect to a web page
Give a short-and-sweet thank you, then escort the user to another page.

Show HTML block

Here’s your chance to design a heartfelt thank you with images and videos. Be sure to add a human touch to the experience by using form fields to address your customer by name. It’s up to you! Learn more about building your custom thank you page. When you’re ready, you can even add JavaScript to your submission confirmation.

Remember, the best web form is still a form. Let the customer know you value their effort and they’ll be coming back for more.

Sign up now for your free 123ContactForm account. It’s fast and easy with no coding skills needed. You’ll thank us later!

Originally published at www.123contactform.com on September 16, 2014.



Tips and Tricks About Online Forms

123FormBuilder (former 123ContactForm) is an intuitive form building platform that helps users create efficient workflows, collect data and achieve success.