Publishing Your Form Anywhere

Tips and Tricks About Online Forms
4 min readMar 24, 2017

Hey form builder! Seems like you’ve already got the hang of creating a form. Next up, you need to set it free and let it work its magic on the internet. This guide will go over the most important aspects of publishing that you’ll need in order to have it live in no time and start getting results.

As you can see, there are quite a few options you can choose here. You can either share the direct link to the form, have it embedded/integrated in one of the services you use such as Facebook, Twitter or your very own website.

Almost all of them share the same idea principle: copy the code found here and paste it at your designated location. Let’s go over the most common places to publish your form:

1. Direct Link

Sending a link is a direct and easy way to spread your form around. Just click on the copy link button, and paste it anywhere you want! You can distribute it through your email lists or even share it directly on social media for your whole list of friends and followers to see.

Pro Tip: direct links work great when there’s some other communication to support it. Consider sending an email or writing a post which encourages people to access the link instead of just throwing it out on its own.

2. Embedding

Embedding the form to your website is the most used publishing option. By embedding the form to your website, users can directly complete the form without clicking on a link that drives them away from your web page. There are a few ways to embed, we recommend that you read this article on which one to choose.

Pro Tip: when embedding the form, a matching design between the page and the form is appealing. Check out the Themes section of the form in order to make the form match the colors of your website.

3. Facebook Form

Another effective way to get entries on your form is by creating a Facebook form. This enables any user to fill in the form directly on Facebook, without having to navigate to a different page. Install the app as shown in the video (located under the Facebook tab of the Publish section of the form) and choose on what page you want the form inserted. For more details about publishing on Facebook, check out this guide.

Pro Tip: Facebook is a gold mine in terms of numbers of users, so it’s worth using this option when doing a market research, quiz or survey.

4. WordPress

Powering around 26.7% of the web, WordPress certainly can’t be ignored when it comes to web interaction with users. If youe site is running on WordPress, then check out CaptainForm , our WordPress form builder. It has all the key features of 123ContactForm, but dedicated to the WordPress environment and more!

Pro Tip: if you’re managing your websites through WordPress, then having a dedicated form plugin is very time efficient, so consider installing CaptainForm.

Now you know the key points of form publishing and how it works. There are a few other options which we didn’t cover but don’t worry, they are all explained when clicking on their respective tabs. If you have any doubts, or want some other way to publish your form, contact our dedicated support team, or check out the other documentation guides on how to publish your form. Drop a comment below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Originally published at on March 24, 2017.



Tips and Tricks About Online Forms

123FormBuilder (former 123ContactForm) is an intuitive form building platform that helps users create efficient workflows, collect data and achieve success.