The most useful shortcuts in Android Studio that you should to KNOW

Rey |
Tips for Coding
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2023


Many common actions can be performed using keyboard shortcuts in Android Studio.
Please keep in mind that, because Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA, you can find additional shortcuts in the IntelliJ IDEA keymap reference documentation.
In order to be more productive and save time while coding, I use these shortcuts frequently

  • Control + Tab : Switch between tabs and tool window
  • Press Shift twice : Search everything (including code and menus)
  • Ctrl + O : Seeing Override methods
  • CTRL + E : Recently opened files pop-up
  • CTRL + Q : Quick documentation lookup
  • CTRL + ‘+’/’-‘ (Plus/Minus) -> Collapse/expand current code block
  • CTRL + Shift + ‘+’/’-‘ (Plus/Minus) ->Collapse/expand all code blocks
  • CTRL + B or CTRL + click -> Go to declaration (directly)
  • Ctrl + Shift + U -> Converting uppercase letters to lowercase
  • CTRL + ALT + L -> Reformat code
  • CTRL + ALT + I -> Auto-indent code
  • Ctrl + D -> Duplicate current line or selection
  • CTRL + Y -> Delete line at caret
  • Ctrl + Home -> Go to the start of current line
  • Ctrl + End -> Ge to the end of the current line
  • Shift+F6 -> Rename
  • Shift + Home -> Select text from where you are to Start the line
  • Shift + End -> Select text from where you are to End the line
  • Shift + Right Arrow or Shift + Left Arrow-> To select by character, position the cursor where you want to start the selection and then press Shift + right arrow or Shift + left arrow.
  • Shift + UP Arrow or Shift + Down Arrow -> To select by line, position the cursor where you want to start the selection and then press Shift + down arrow or Shift + up arrow.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow-> To select by word, position the cursor where you want to start the selection and then press Ctrl + Shift + right arrow or Ctrl + Shift + left arrow.
  • Ctrl + A -> Select the entire document.

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Thank you for reading, and Happy Coding! 😊

Don’t forget 👏



Rey |
Tips for Coding

I’m Reyhaneh . I’m always eager to learn new things , I like to share these things with others :) AndroidGeek Youtube :