How to get a job in the creative industries…

Here are ten simple tips for landing a job in the creative industries. It’s surprising how many people forget the basics.


  1. Be Selective — if you are any good, choose your employer wisely. You should benefit from being in the company too.
  2. Research — find out who you need to talk to and find out more about the company. When applying for a job, make sure you say their name and explain why you want to work for THEM! Don’t be generic.
  3. Make a call — don’t be shy, get on the phone and chat. If they are busy, ask for an email address and follow up the same day.
  4. Create a website — even if you can’t code, create a website with a digital tool like Cargo Collective or Basekit, there’s no excuse these days.
  5. Ditch the CV — the creative industries are visual; forget the boring CV and send examples of work.
  6. Choose wisely — only show your best work, show your folio to friends, tutors, colleagues, professionals and get feedback. Listen and learn.
  7. Intern — if you can intern for free or for a low wage (sadly this is likely) and you don’t get job offers straight away, then make sure your internship is useful. Work hard to prove your worth and ask lots of questions. Make sure that when it comes to the end of your internship your employer is desperate to employ you as they can’t afford not to.
  8. Have Fun — we are in a creative industry so be creative and have fun. The happier we are the more creative we can be so relax and enjoy. There are far worse jobs in the world so count yourself lucky.
  9. Be Entrepreneurial — jobs are not for life any more and hey, who would want the same job for life? If you can’t find a job, don’t worry, maybe you are made to be your own boss. With a laptop and internet you can work anywhere, any time. Ask friends and family if they need creative help with anything and go from there.
  10. Keep trying — remember to keep talking to people, keep networking and stay hopeful. Opportunities will arise. The harder you work, the luckier you will get!

These are just quick tips but they will help. Give them a go and see what happens, you might just realise your dreams.

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The House
A designers guide to working in the Creative Industries

We are The House, a digital branding and marketing agency. We believe in business as unusual, thinking differently to help you grow.