35,859 Leads in 60 Days

Clayton Carroll
Tips from the Trenches by ERP 101
3 min readNov 7, 2016

This week’s digital marketing success story is about the company DigitalMarketer.

A key digital marketing goal is to obtain email addresses from customers and potential customers — not an easy task. We are all cautious about giving out our email address.

The company DigitalMarketer, a provider of online software, templates and training courses related to digital marketing, offers actionable advice on how to increase the chances of getting email addresses.

What Can We Learn From DigitalMarketer?

A lot, since their DigitalMarketer’s Ultimate Facebook Ad Template Download attracted 35,859 leads in 60 days.

I found this download when a Facebook friend found it useful enough to share on their timeline.

Why Was This Download Effective?

According to DigitalMarketer, their Facebook Ad Template download was effective because it solved a customer’s specific problem, with a specific solution for a specific market segment:

  • Specific problem solved: Provides templates that make it easier to generate successful Facebook ads.
  • Specific solution: Facebook ad template ideas.
  • Specific market segment: Customers interested in Facebook advertising.

DigitalMarketer also provides a list of similar examples including:

  • Guide/report (like the Facebook Ad Template Download above)
  • Toolkit/resource list
  • Software download/free trial
  • Webinar

The Bigger Picture: Lead Magnets Come in All Shapes and Sizes

A lead magnet generally means a free content download or content updates, like a blog or newsletter signup, that require an email address or other contact information to access.

The lead magnet which has worked the best on me is the blog update / newsletter sign up.

Other Thoughts

Gated Content — Yes or No?

The Facebook Ad Template Download example is also known as gated content — when someone has to provide their e-mail address to access content.

I am torn when it comes to lead magnets like downloadable content, where an email address gains you access to the gated content.

The DigitalMarketer Facebook Ad Template Download is a great resource. I gladly gave my email because a friend assured me of its value.

If I had not been referred, which happens a majority of the time, I might not have downloaded the guide. Would I want to get on another email list?

Ever since I read Dave Gerhardt’s explanation of why they got rid of gated content at Drift, this topic causes me to pause.

As a consumer, I don’t like gated content — especially if I am unsure of the value.

I Don’t Have An Answer on Gated Content (Yet)

Besides a giveaway, I have not tried any other lead magnet campaigns or downloads.

What lead magnets have you tried, how well have they worked and what do you think about gated content?

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I share social media basics and success stories, press the heart button if you think DigitalMarketer ran a successful lead magnet campaign.

Even though I write this on every post, thanks for reading.

Originally published at www.erp101.com.

