Follow SEMrush for Digital Marketing News and Trends

Clayton Carroll
Tips from the Trenches by ERP 101
4 min readJul 21, 2016

Learn as I Learn Digital Marketing

I went to a meet up the other day and had some great conversations with those in the digital marketing field. A very experienced marketing manager told me something I keep hearing more and more:

This field (digital marketing) is always changing.

Last time I was on #semrushchat, the experienced folks were saying the same thing. Look at Google, they change their search engine ranking algorithm 500–600 times per year! You can also read this story about Meerkat as a great example of how quickly things can change. Since internet and social media marketing is always changing, it’s important to stay current with the news and trends.

Why Follow SEMrush?

SEMrush does one of the best jobs of creating or finding relevant digital marketing articles. They publish articles on their site, host webinars and find blog entries that other sources publish (even competitors). These articles consistently bring value. Every time SEMrush pops up in my Twitter feed, my antennas go up because it’s probably an article worth reading.

Best Ways to Follow SEMrush?

Email: You can subscribe to get a once monthly email of the top blog posts. These really are the best of the best. This roundup email will catch you up if you missed any news or trends from the month.

Twitter: I subscribe to the SEMrush monthly email but I also follow them on Twitter. If you want to follow the news and trends in real time, Twitter is the place to do it. SEMrush sends out a lot of articles each day, they do the hard work for you by finding relevant stories.

Facebook, Instagram and Other Social Channels: You can find SEMrush on Facebook, Instagram and other social channels. Personally, I prefer Twitter and the monthly email. That’s where SEMrush puts out the most content. However, SEMrush does do a good job on Instagram by posting some really good pictures. They will post pictures like a check list for hiring an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialist or tips for creating an amazing social media experience.

Go Directly to Their Blog: You can also go directly to the SEMrush blog.

About SEMrush

SEMrush has office locations all over the world, including in the United States. They provide a keyword research and general digital marketing tool (free and paid versions). SEMrush also provides a browser plug-in called SEOquake. SEOQuake is a quick website SEO analysis tool. There are currently almost 1 million SEMrush users (997,002 as of this writing).

I have used the free version of the keyword research tool and also the browser plug-in. I think the free tool is worthwhile to try. Once you try the free version, the paid version’s value will be apparent. I am not using the paid version of SEMrush right now but plan on using it in the near future.

Final Word on SEMrush

I have been a fan of SEMrush since 2011. When I first dipped my toe into the SEO world, I was referred to SEMrush. I have followed them off and on from 2011 until about a month ago. Now I follow them every day. Every interaction I have had with SEMrush staff and everything I have seen, has been really good stuff. They are always positive and helpful. I highly recommend you follow them and learn from their digital marketing wisdom.

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I share social media basics and success stories, press the heart button if you think SEMRush is a good source of news.

Even though I write this on every post, thanks for reading.

Originally published at

