Reach More Customers with These Three Podcasts

Clayton Carroll
Tips from the Trenches by ERP 101
4 min readAug 26, 2016

Podcasts have power. They have taught me the best internet and social media marketing lessons. This recent podcast teaches how to sell with story and make a customer the hero. Remember that feeling in Star Wars when Luke blew up the Death Star or Rocky when he beats Apollo Creed? That same feeling comes when clicking BUY NOW on Apple’s website or hearing “PsssCH” from popping open a Coke can. Apple and Coke tell the right story and make the customer a hero.

Podcast 1: Social Media Marketing Podcast

Every Friday, Social Media Examiner puts out a podcast that serves as “Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle”. The show begins with a social media “survival tip” featuring a new discovery to help with social media marketing (I discovered the Ghost Codes app from this show). The podcast features Michael A. Stelzner, CEO/Founder of Social Media Examiner, and a guest deconstructing a social media marketing topic.

How Will It Help Reach More Customers?

Social media is a jungle. Someone needs a guide if they want to find any customers. The Social Media Marketing Podcast is the guide to what works and doesn’t work in social media marketing.

Two Favorite Episodes

  1. Ep 211: How to sell with story and make a customer the hero (mentioned above)
  2. Ep 205: How to film videos on a smart phone (did not have to buy a new camera to film videos, saved over $1,000!)

Find the podcast here.

Podcast 2: The Marketing Companion

Every other Thursday, Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster are always fun, always interesting, and always on-target. Their insights and ideas will turn up someone’s marketing intellect to an “11”. Mark is a very sincere, seasoned and talented marketer while Tom is a very intelligent researcher with great insight. Also, Tom could tell someone what wine pairs best with their social media strategy. The duo talks strategy around trending topics and shares relevant information to help businesses find and engage with more customers.

How Will it Help Reach more Customers?

Mark and Tom know their stuff. With an experienced marketer and researcher, they give digital marketing insights and strategies with data to back it up. Access to their brains for thirty minutes every other week will help a business get better at digital marketing.

Two Favorite Episodes

  1. Facebook ads and their future
  2. The key to internet influence is being known, what do you want to be known for?

Find the podcast here.

3. Experts on the Wire

Every week, Dan Shure from Evolving SEO brings on a guest and they discuss different digital marketing topics. Experts on the Wire mixes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), technical website advice, content marketing and social media strategy. This blends well with The Marketing Companion and Social Media Marketing Podcast.

How will it Help Reach More Customers?

Getting found on social media or Google is hard. Dan’s skill and guests teach the best ways to get found on every episode. Drift’s episode is a case study on strategy and step by step tactics to get more customers to a website.

Two Favorite Episodes

  1. Ep 28: Dave Gerhardt explains how Drift grew their blog traffic from 198 visits a month in October to 27,369 in less than a year (one of the best podcast episodes ever)
  2. Ep 29: How to reach more customers with live video through Facebook Live or Periscope

Find the podcast here.

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I share social media basics and success stories, press the heart button if you like any of these podcasts.

Even though I write this on every post, thanks for reading.

Originally published at

