What’s my deal, anyway?

Tired tirades
Published in
Dec 17, 2020

Alright. Here we are, my very own blog and readers too. Fancy.

A graphic that has Tired written on a bunch of flowers

(graphic design is my passion hehe)

8-year-old Bhargavi thought she could be a writer. In fact, she thought she could get published. At that age, people don’t tell you you can’t do things. Might be why most 8-year-olds are obnoxious. I thought I could be the youngest published writer. People would buy my books because I was so young. How darling. As I grew up, chances of that slowly diminished. I still did write of course. I have half a book here somewhere. Maybe I’ll post it for y’all to read someday.

I’m 19 now (as of one minute ago). And this is the third blog I’ve started. b Here’s hoping I don’t let this one die.

