The Most Important American Word?

Chad Eaves
Building Titans
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2016

I am writing this as I fly back to Chicago from spending 11 days with my wife in Europe (Duesseldorf and Vienna, specifically). While there were many interesting and beautiful experiences and places we visited, there is nothing like going home.

This trip got me to thinking about why America has the attractiveness it does to people around the world. It’s a recurring theme of mine from when I lived in the UK as a teen during the eighties.

More people immigrate (or want to do so) to America than any other country. There are people who fly into our country. There are people risking their lives by floating across open water in homemade rafts or walking across desert to get into America.

Before going any further, please don’t think I wear rose colored glasses and everyting is perfect in America. No country is perfect and there are things we can learn from other places. All nations are messed up in some manner. And I would suggest we are not in such dire condition as the news and others would suggest to us.

But, I do strongly believe we are the best messed up country. And the reason comes down to one word.


This one word inspired my in-laws to leave the Philipines over forty years ago and move to America where they have since both retired from the medical profession. This one word drove my ancestors to depart Europe for what would become the Carolinas. This one word inspired my best friend to leave Poland behind with $12 to his name and now runs a successful business in Chicagoland.

How many native-born Americans would take that risk?

How many native-born Americans consider the opportunity they have in their country? In my experience, far too few.

Opportunity is one thing we all have access to by being in America. Are results guaranteed? No. Is working on goals the same for everyone? No. It’s easier for some and harder for others. We may fail more than once (my hand is up for this one).

Put away the distractions in your lives. Turn off the TV. Turn off the XBox. Take a break from recreationally browsing the web. Think about what it is you want to achieve with the time remaining you have in life. Start a business? Get a promotion? Find a job? A new place to live? Get healthy?

My fellow Americans, those in citizenship and those in spirit, I ask you to do these two things. Whether it’s for the first time or the one hundredth time.

Dream. And seize the opportunity.



Chad Eaves
Building Titans

#Entrepreneur, Founder of @TitanGoals, #F1 Fan, #GatorFootball