4 Aspects of Your Website That Drive Top Quality Leads

Titan Web Marketing
Titan We Make Stuff
5 min readFeb 19, 2016

As a business owner, you’ve worked relentlessly to ensure that your company thrives. With this hard work comes knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.

You know just how vital a website is for overall company success and business growth. Your website is known as the face of your business, as it is often the first aspect of your brand customers see and interact with.

Also as a business owner, you know that your investments have to produce a return. Whether you hired a freelancer, used an online website builder, or worked with an experienced website design team, your website needs to work.

Ask yourself this excruciatingly important question right now:

“Is my current website making my business money?”

Seriously, ask yourself if your website is bringing you qualified leads on a regular basis.

Many of you will be disappointed with your answer. Your website shouldn’t be an online billboard. It should operate as a lead generation machine that motivates interested buyers to make a purchase, contact your business, or visit your store.

The design of your website is only one aspect of the lead generation process. A world-class website has four aspects working simultaneously and cohesively to continually generate leads for your business.

Professionally Written Website Content

Most business owners make the unfortunate mistake of writing their own website content. The thought is that if they know their business and industry so well, shouldn’t they be the ones to write the content?


In fact, this is to their disadvantage. Selling online is incredibly different than selling over the phone or in front of a prospect. Website content needs to be created by a content writer with significant professional experience.

Content writers create website copy and other forms of content that convert. They combine their natural talent for writing with their ever expanding knowledge of marketing and sales best practices to entice your website visitors to take a specific action.

If you want to experience an increase in leads from your website and online marketing strategies, you need to leverage the talent of a content writer. Otherwise, you’ll write website content that won’t speak to your user or target audience.

To drive more leads, content writers use the following tactics:

  • Researching your target audience and understanding their needs, wants, frustrations, and motivations.
  • Highlighting the benefits of your business, products, and services and using the features to enhance the sale. Sell with benefits and support with features (Copyblogger)
  • Understanding inbound marketing techniques and how content writing works to bring leads to your business.
  • Proposing a “problem, dream, and solution” writing formula within the content.

Ultimately, unless you had a previous career as a marketing content writer, you need to let a professional write your website content for the best results.

Lead Generation Oriented Website Design

It’s not enough to have an appealing website. While you may believe your site looks amazing, a customer may not think this way.

The design of a website must accomplish a specific goal — in our case, bringing qualified leads to your business. Not every designer understands this concept.

Expert custom website designers understand the psychology behind design and what it takes to direct a user’s attention to a contact form or phone number, which leads them to convert! Every target audience and customer base is unique and will have their own set of subconscious web design preferences. Experienced web designers understand what aspects of a website make users tick and which tactics lead to better conversion results.

Without an expert website design, you’ll end up frustrating your customers which certainly does not lead to an increase in interested prospects. Make sure the following areas of design are considered when you want to generate your leads:

  • Colors and Tone
  • Hierarchy
  • User Experience
  • High-Quality Imagery

Your website design is arguably one of the most important areas of a website. While your website needs to look professional, it also needs to get the job done.

To see what exceptional website design looks like, browse our portfolio:

Superior Website Functionality

This area of a website is simple and complex all at the same time. Confusing, right?

Let’s start with the simple. If your website is broken, slow, or incredibly outdated, you will not generate leads.

Your website needs to be lightning fast, use the top website security software, and have a structure that is easy for a user to understand.

Defined by the Nielsen Norman Group, user experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. Your website is included in a user’s interaction with your company. Don’t you want to make it as easy as possible for them to interact with your company and inquire about becoming a customer?

Common user experience mistakes include:

  • Sprawling website navigations or menus
  • Information hidden deep in the website, and not easily accessible
  • Special pop-ups, ads, or offers hindering the user’s path

These mistakes all lead to a user’s decision NOT to inquire about your products or services, therefore leaving you with little to no sales prospects. Your functional website needs to act as a lead generation tool for your business, not a roadblock to the sales process!

Your Website Needs to Be Optimized for Search Engines

Every business owner understands why their company website needs to rank on the first page of popular search engines such as Google. Search engines direct people to your website, and your website leads to paying customers. It’s a simple process to understand.

Did you know that the design, content, and functionality of your website all contribute to your search ranking? Optimizing your website for search engines goes far beyond adding a couple of keywords to your site and making sure your links work.

While you can launch your website with the right keywords, link structure, and technical back-end, it’s not enough to rank your website. You need to actively participate in a search marketing campaign in order to elicit the highest rankings and drive users to your website.

To get started on your search marketing efforts, use our beginner’s guide to SEO!

Realizing Your Small Business Website is Far Below Par?

If you’re less than impressed with the overall results your website is generating, it’s time to rethink your website design and overall strategy. Don’t settle for a cheap process with a lack of quality, limited search engine optimization, and no focus on lead generation.

Contact Titan Web Marketing Solutions today by calling 615–890–3600 to discuss how we can make your website a lead generating machine.

Originally published at www.titanwebmarketingsolutions.com.



Titan Web Marketing
Titan We Make Stuff

Web Design. SEO. Social Media. Lead Generation. Located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. www.titanwms.com 615.890.3600.