Published in
7 min readOct 29, 2021

The TITAN Chinese community held a AMA on 29 Oct. Below are the transcripts:

1. TITAN is our DOGE is currently developing in the direction of DAO. Could you please introduce how DAO will operate in the community and what impact it can bring?

Our vision for TITANDAO is that we have a global community working under a single objective which is to Make TITAN Great Again. As a DAO, many people can participate and collaborate. The current core team should become just one team (legion) inside TITANDAO. We want more legions to be formed and these legions can work on different projects simultaneously, and all these projects have been voted and approved by the members of TITANDAO. All projects voted and approved by TITANDAO have the goal to Make TITAN Great Again. This is rule number 1 of our community. We want to fund TITANDAO with TITANDAO governance tokens, so we keep most of TITANDAO governance tokens in TITANDAO’s treasury and we release these tokens to invest in projects.

2. Could you introduce the current number of members of the core team of the TITAN is our DOGE, their background and the current division of labour. Whether the core team needs to be expanded in the future.

The core team has people with backgrounds in management consulting, fintech, product manager, UX, digital media and art. We also work with freelancers that come to work on specific tasks or projects. The core team can expand to cover other areas such as smart contracts, marketing, gaming, etc. The core team will and is expanding, but we want other community members to rise within our community and form their own teams (TITAN legions). There are already other people working to make TITAN great again outside our community, such as a Chinese team that created a game. The goal would be to have them as a legion inside TITANDAO. So we can promote their game and help them grow, and by doing so, TITAN will rise and rise. Legions should form based on their skillset. We could have a shiller legion for example funded by TITANDAO. We could have a meme legion as well funded by TITANDAO. And many other legions that will support TITAN.

3. Does TITAN is our DOGE currently represent TITAN’s main project? TITAN currently has communities in various regions around the world. Will TITAN is our DOGE support the construction of various regions in the future? Are there any further plans to unite communities in different parts of the world for common development? Could an outreach department be established to promote and follow up on the development of various communities?

TITAN is our DOGE should be considered as one legion under TITANDAO. We want it to grow and we will support its growth, but TITANDAO will not only support TITAN is our DOGE. The more legions working to Make TITAN Great Again, the faster it will happen.

4. Does TITAN currently have plans to promote listing on other centralized exchanges?

Listing fees for centralised exchanges are very high. Some wanted to charge $100k from our community! We discussed with many of them, and they are not willing to waive the listing fees. So our strategy is to make TITAN famous within the crypto community, so then exchanges list TITAN for free. DOGE and SHIBA for example did not pay to list on Binance. We want Binance to list TITAN one day because their investors are asking for TITAN, or because TITAN is too big for them to ignore.

5. When will the specific minted rules of the Galaxy Gods NFTs be announced? Galactic gods will have the rarity? Could you briefly introduce the role of governance tokens in the community?

Minting rules will be announced closer to the release of the Galactic Gods. Rest assured that this project is progressing well and soon we will be able to show some visuals of the Galactic Gods. Each God will be unique, but some will be rarer than others.

6. Regarding the TITAN Punkz, besides being able to mint a Galactic Gods NFTs, will there be other roles in the future? After the holder of Titan Punkz chooses to mint Galactic Gods NFT, will the original NFT be destroyed?

TITAN Punkz will always be the first series that we released and therefore they are rare. We have more plans for them besides allowing them to mint a Galactic God. One idea that we are discussing is to expand the Punkz series as well. There are currently 18 unique NFTs within the Punkz series. So we could use each of these 18 NFTs and create mutated punkz for example, so then the 18 unique ones become 10,000 unique ones. But we will release the Galactic Gods first, so this is part of our roadmap.

7. Is the TITAN is our DOGE community currently in contact with other communities for cooperation? In which ways might we cooperate in the future?

We are constantly having conversations with other projects. We also take a very risk-averse approach to partnerships in DeFi, as some of the projects that approached us for farming were scams for example. We did not go and release that to the community, but we want to help our community to keep their TITAN safe. We are looking forward to having more discussions with the Chinese community to cooperate under TITANDAO.

8. Will TITANDAO develop swap and cross-chain? Are there any further plans for ecological construction in the future, such as farms?

This is how TITANDAO can expand using the funds from TITANDAO’s Treasury if the community approves this direction. We could have pools where TITAN is staked to receive TITANDAO governance tokens for example. There are a lot of opportunities in DeFi that we want to explore as our TITAN ecosystem will be more complete with a TITANVERSE (TITAN metaverse with NFTs and DeFi). Like staking NFTs and receiving governance tokens.

9. Will governance tokens be traded in DEX in the future?

We initially wanted to do a IDO (Initial Decentralised Offering) via a launchpad platform for the governance tokens. We paused that for now, but we might still do a small one so we sell some governance tokens and use all the proceeds to create liquidity pools in DEX.

10. TITAN metaverse project will begin with the release of Galactic Gods NFTs. Could you describe to us the role of TITAN in the future metaverse?

Every ecosystem needs to be built on strong foundations to work properly. There are layers and layers of blockchains now that are powering many different ecosystems. Then these ecosystems also need a medium of exchange (currency) for the transactions that happen inside the ecosystem. Let’s take Axie for example. They are built on a blockchain and have their own token AXIE as a medium of exchange (currency) within their ecosystem. Our vision is for TITAN to be the medium of exchange for TITANVERSE, so all transactions inside TITANVERSE need to use TITAN. We could build some smart contract rules that would burn 0.1% of TITAN in every transaction. That would just accelerate burning and make TITAN rarer.

11. Does TITAN is our DOGE have any further marketing plans in the future? Whether to build a marketing team to carry out the next step.

We had a small marketing budget for the TITAN Punkz and they were very successful. We have a higher budget for the Galactic Gods and we will do promotions such as giveaways to get more people to join our community. We might do some partnerships as well if they help promote TITAN.

12. In the current TITANDAO clubhouse games, it is difficult to attract people to play the Jackpot game. Could we introduce more card games, such as Texas Hold’em, Baccarat, etc.?

The Clubhouse can expand in few ways:

  • Funded by TITANDAO for projects voted by our community
  • Through partnerships with other projects
  • Incorporating other projects into TITANDAO (for example, the card game created by the Chinese community)

13. At present, many TITAN communities in different countries are also carrying out the activities of burning TITAN. Do you think burning is helpful to TITAN’s future development? Is there a better way to deal with TITAN that was originally planned to be destroyed? Do we have an ultimate burning goal?

Burning TITAN will have a long term impact on the price of TITAN. Right now the impact is small, but the impact becomes bigger as there are more projects underneath TITANDAO and all of them have some mechanisms to burn TITAN. The best thing about TITAN is that the total supply is capped at 35 trillion. So no more TITAN gets added into circulation only removed via burning.

14. Is it possible to appropriately announce the design details of the Galactic Gods?

We are working on a prototype right now and will provide some sneak peeks to our community when they are ready. We are excited to reveal them to the world. So we just want to get closer to our true vision before revealing anything and that takes some iterations with the artist.

15. Since TITAN’s rebirth, what has been the biggest problem facing the development of the community? Is there a clear plan for the future development of TITAN metaverse? Is this the main development path for TITAN in the future?

The biggest problem, in the beginning, was that a lot of people joined our community but just a few are willing to get their hands dirty to work and help TITAN. So the core team took the lead and started creating new use cases for TITAN such as merchandise, Jackpot and Punkz. The core team wants to hand TITANDAO to the community but wants to fund TITANDAO’s Treasury first, so our community members have the incentive to get their hands dirty and work since the Treasury will provide the funds for that.

16. Many people in the community have particularly good ideas and are constantly making contributions to the community. However, since most community members do not have the ability to develop, can the community provide technical power to help everyone realize better ideas in the future?

We want to attract talented developers to our community so they can build more products that use TITAN. And talented developers are expensive, especially in crypto. So funding TITANDAO’s Treasury will allow these talented developers to join our community as they have funds to work on projects. We want to have many projects being worked on simultaneously and we believe that will happen once we transit to a DAO that is well funded.




Crypto expert, banking specialist, writer, and dreamer.