tix.africa x kuda bank: powering ticketing for the free

Charles Ochei
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2021

Kuda is a leading financial service provider in Nigeria focused on innovation and excellent user experience.

Kuda’s vision is to remove the inconvenience, absurd fee structures and lack of inclusion associated with banking in African. With just a smartphone, users spend, save and borrow without walking in a physical bank location.

The Challenge

For its International Women’s Day campaign, Kuda wanted to host a hybrid event for its users. As a company that’s very particular about its customer touchpoints, Kuda needed an event management solution that offered it significant control of the user experience.

Given event management is some worlds away from its core business, building ticketing infrastructure from scratch was off the table. Kuda needed a partner to power guest registration while having control of the look and feel its customers encountered.

The Solution

A search for a ticketing platform led to a true partnership. By leveraging on the tix API, Kuda was able to power guest registrations from a dedicated microsite.

On the event’s microsite, guests were able to register for the event with just a name, email and phone number. On the backend, the tix API went to work. Each guest received a unique event ticket with Kuda’s event link attached. With the confirmation emails sent by tix, guests were able to also add Kuda’s event to their personal calendars.

With the host dashboard, Kuda was able to monitor guest registrations, isolate new-to-bank registrations and send targeted messages.

“We wanted someone with an API and are responsive. We love the seamlessness of it all. The tix team was responsive and flexible to our needs.” — Kuda on tix.africa

If your team is looking for a better way to manage attendees for your events, you can request access to the tix API to get started. Drop us a line at support@tix.africa.

We’re also on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!

