Facebook Pixel events for promoters

Denis Mysenko
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2017

We are glad to inform promoters with Tixel accounts that from now on we will trigger standard Facebook Pixel events for you. As long as you provided a valid Facebook Pixel Id for your event(s), you will receive the following data from Tixel automatically:

  • ViewContent — this event is fired when users view your event page on Tixel. We will supply event name in the “content_name” field so that you can identify it;
  • AddToCart — this event is fired when users click “Buy” and thus initiate the buying wizard. We will supply event name in the “content_name”, as well as value (sum of all selected tickets) and currency;
  • AddToWishList — this event means a user subscribed to ticket notifications for one of your events. Event name is provided in “content_name” field;
  • InitiateCheckout — this event is fired on order confirmation page (final checkout page). Event name, value of tickets and currency are provided;
  • AddPaymentInfo — this event is triggered when user provides credit card details for the first time;
  • Purchase — this event is fired after a user successfully buys ticket(s). We will send event name, value of tickets and currency along.
You can add your Facebook Pixel Id in the Event’s “Integrations” tab



Denis Mysenko
Editor for

CTO and Co-Founder at Tixel, a passionate software artisan, aikidoka and scuba diver