How to resell a DICE ticket

Denis Mysenko
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2023


DICE is a relatively new ticketing platform that aims to prevent ticket touting and scalping by keeping the tickets in mobile apps only — so that ticket brokers have nothing to sell. The tickets (barcodes) appear in mobile apps shortly before the show starts keeping the opportunity window for brokers at a minimum.

DICE has a built-in resale facility where you can place your spare ticket back on the so-called waiting list and another user can buy it from you. However, often this feature is disabled and users have to look for their own solution.

Listing DICE tickets on Tixel

Fortunately, Tixel can help you! You can list any DICE ticket on Tixel and we will do all the standard perks for you — we will verify the ticket authenticity, buyer and seller credibility, hold the money in escrow in case of any disputes and so on.

To start the process, head to the “List a DICE ticket” page on Tixel and click “Sell”, choose “It’s in my account” option:

Now, enter your full phone number associated with your DICE account, it should start with a plus (+) symbol and the country code, a so-called international format that all mobile phones use:

At the next step, you will have to enter a short verification code that you will receive directly from DICE:

To obtain that code, all you have to do is to click on the “DICE login page” link above and enter your phone number on DICE website as well:

When you get the code, enter it on Tixel and you will be able to proceed and make a listing for any of your current valid DICE tickets.

Post-sale process

Once you sell your DICE ticket on Tixel, we will ask you to transfer it to the buyer’s account in DICE. This will ensure that everybody is happy and protected. Good luck!



Denis Mysenko
Editor for

CTO and Co-Founder at Tixel, a passionate software artisan, aikidoka and scuba diver