Missed out on Groovin The Moo Tickets? Have too many Groovin The Moo Tickets?

Josh Oxlee
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2019

We know the nail biting tension of release morning, you woke up at 7am and had two coffees by the cold glow of your laptop screen. You anxiously refresh the page and finally the tickets are on sale. Quickly entering the number of tickets you need (was Johnno coming? It’s 5 tickets right?) you get to the payment confirmation page and…

Sold out.

What now? Miss the festival? Not an option. Patrol the facebook page in the hope someone accidentally bought too many tickets (Their ‘Johnno’ had work it turns out…)? Take your chances on gumtree? I mean the ticket sort of looks real…

There’s an easier way.

The Groovin the Moo waitlist on Tixel is now officially live and it’s first in best dressed. The waitlist puts you in the queue to buy verified (100% real, we’ve never sold a fake ticket) resale tickets. We make the sure the seller and buyer are who they say they are as well, we hate scammers as much as you do. (As a side note, did you know ticket sellers can be scammed too?).

We cap pricing at 10% above face value, for us scalpers are a relic from another time.

There are a few things you can do to move yourself the waitlist after you’ve joined. Connect your Spotify account and get super useful recommendations for future events in your area as well as Tixel points that move you up the waitlist. Share your Tixel link to Facebook or Insta and get in front of more sellers as well as netting yourself more Tixel points.

If you have a ticket to get rid of, list it here to sell to another fan on the waitlist.

We’ve already had tickets sold this morning, hope to see you at GTM 2019.

