Meet Tixico Team — Commited to Fix Your Tix

Luize Jansone
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2018

A startup can have all the potential in the world offering to solve some of the most pressing problems of humankind, but nothing can hinder its growth as the “people problem”.

As a professional and passionate team can rise the startup to the top, and likewise it can kill an idea that seemed to be fail-proof. Many investors see it as the most important criteria when deciding where to invest their big bucks. And for exactly these reasons Tixico was committed from very beginning to bring together an international group of experienced people who click together and can bring this project to the light. Let’s meet them one by one.

Normunds Vucans — co-founder, management, sales and finance. Having been in music industry for over 9 years he knows the pain of event management and ticketing service issues. He has covered journalism, band management and hosting events. He even founded one of the main music awards in Latvia — Austras balva, the Latvian equivalent of Mercury Music Prize. Being highly experienced and professional both in event industry and business management, he will be responsible for recruit new partners, developing and implementing the sales strategy and basically — will be in charge of getting this project rolling.

Krists Kreics — co-founder, technical lead. He got into the blockchain scene and focused on researching the topic and testing concepts of smart contracts way before all the hype and hence his deep understanding of the technology. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in computer science, and did a thesis on ”Blockchain based smart contracts” that was also mentioned in a Latvian legal journal. Now he’s pursuing a master’s degree at the Technical University of Eindhoven, which is considered one of the most prestigious technical universities in Europe. Having worked on developing IT solutions for some of the biggest companies in the world, he has gained extensive industry experience. Currently he is dedicated to make Tixico a reality.

Stefan Esser — operations lead. Has been a blockchain enthusiast since 2013, when he started as a hobby miner, but quickly became interested in the overall properties and advantages of the technology and built up vast knowledge in the field ever since. He has gained an extensive experience of IT systems and project management having worked for over 8 years in various roles of system, database and network administration. Stefan holds a bachelor’s degree in information systems and currently is pursuing his master’s in business information systems at Technical University of Eindhoven.

Reinis Anzikis — lead designer. Mastering his trade since 2012 by designing user interfaces, brand identities, social media content, print and video materials for such large like SEB bank, Nordea bank, Telia, Maybelline, Samsung, Rimi, Radisson Blu and many others. With a passion for web design and user experience the search for every small detail perfected never stops, trying to make internet a more beautiful and reliable place. As the part of the Tixico team, Reinis makes sure that the product’s visual character speaks to every user in understandable and trustworthy manner.

Andrea Nardelli — data scientist and technologist. Holds a bachelor’s degree cum laude in Computer Science from the University of Trento which he pursued while simultaneously working for the top research institute in Italy according to scientific excellence. Is passionate about novel applications of machine learning. Currently pursuing a double degree master’s program at the Technical University of Eindhoven and Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His contributions to the team include custom-tailored analytics, profiling and IT administration.

Ainars Kreics — legal. Ainars has been practicing law for almost 30 years and is one of the most successful lawyers in the country. He is also a business owner and an investor having previously invested in successful fintech companies from the Baltics. Having both legal and business acumen, Ainars will lead the legal development of the company and his business experience will allow to keep the company on the growth track.

Luize Jansone — marketing lead. Luize holds a master’s degree in international management from Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon. She has gained project management and consulting experience in various international projects. After graduating she started at Microsoft Latvia as a business program manager and marketing communications manager. Most recently she has brought global movement FuckUp Nights to Latvia, as well as initiated and is coordinating a consulting course at Riga Business School. At Tixico she is responsible for marketing strategy and execution.

So this is us. On top of everything mentioned, we share a confidence, tenacity and resilience which will get us through ups and downs and eventually will empower us to fix your tix.

To find out more about Tixico, you’re simply interested in more details on the technology itself, different applications of it and functionalities as well as for information on how to become a part of the project, keep an eye on our blog, Facebook page, Twitter and visit us on Telegram.

