Normunds Vucans
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2018


Although we’re living in a digital age, there’s no denying that meeting in person still is a very important aspect of every business, especially for very young companies like Tixico. This is why we are proud to present the first leg of our roadshow — exhibitions throughout all of May across Europe where you’ll be able to meet Tixico team.
Chainges Conference (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4–5 May)
To kick things off, in 4th and 5th of May our CTO Krists and COO Stefan will be attending Chainges Conference in Amsterdam. Although it’s starting tomorrow, they still have some empty slots in their meeting schedule so feel free to drop us a message today at or approach them at the venue, to learn more about Tixico and how we’ll fix ticketing industry!
Bloxpo (Stockholm, Sweden, 17 May)
On 17th of May, our CEO Normunds will visit Stockholm to participate in Bloxpo conference. With tens of interesting lectures and an afterparty in the evening, we’re sure that the day will go by quick, but if you want to hear more about ticketing in blockchain, Normunds is the person to meet! To schedule a meeting, drop him a message at
Blockshow Europe (Berlin, Germany, 28–29 May)
To wrap up our roadshow in May, Krists, Stefan, and Normunds will all visit one of the biggest blockchain conferences in the world — Blockshow Europe. At this point, we can’t reveal too much yet, but don’t miss us there as we’ll have lots and lots of fun stuff to show and tell you about! And in order not to miss us, it’s best to schedule a meeting right now at!
By the way, if you’re hosting an event that isn’t part of our schedule yet, feel free to message us at — we recently revealed Round 1 of our Bounty Campaign and will be happy to reward people who invite us to speak at their events.
And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Telegram — we’ll post updates from all conferences there, so don’t miss them!

