Tixio Launches Public URL

Tixio is launching a new public URL feature to help you share your boards more easily and widely.

Torstein Gustavsen
3 min readMay 8, 2018


Tixio Launches Public URL

This will let anyone you want access your boards, whether it’s the general public or a select few you choose to share the URL with. What could be simpler? One way this might be useful is in sharing a progress board with clients, so they know exactly how far along in a project you are. There will be an option to put a password on the public URL to retain privacy. If you want, you can also place an expiration date on the board to match work duration or targets. Maybe you’ll create a URL for every phase of a job.

Share your public URL. ( New design is comming )

Efficient Teamworking and Healthy Client Relationships

Of course, Tixio already offers a great way for teams to get organized, thanks to its easy cloud-based login access. You can share bookmarks, notes, and task lists with others in your team so that they always have the relevant tools and to-do lists at their fingertips. Public URL brings your clients into the loop, instilling confidence in them and promoting an open, honest relationship.

Lone Workers Reaching Out

Tixio is also effective for lone workers who want key bookmarks and reminders in front of them on an easily customizable platform. If you work alone, you, too, may benefit from having a public URL that shows clients where you are. It’s possible to use Tixio as a social media and promotional tool, as well, simply through its ability to gather and circulate valuable information. This draws attention to your own business and professionalism.

Social Uses for Public URL

Our public URL feature isn’t only for professional purposes. Supposing you belong to a like-minded social media group with the same niche interests as you? You can use a public URL to share all your carefully curated bookmarks and create a fascinating resource for the rest of the group. If the group is active and meets up to take part in work, sport, or whatever, you can add details of forthcoming events to the board.

There’s nothing stopping you from using Tixio for personal stuff. You can make it your browser home page and have all your favorite links, useful notes and memory-joggers in front of you. A public URL makes it easier to share these things with friends and family. And just to remind you, you can restrict who sees your boards by adding a password.

On the Horizon

To complement our public URL feature, there are other features on the horizon. We’re looking at ways you can have even greater control over who accesses the boards you share. We’re also planning on making Tixio embeddable, so users can integrate Tixio boards and widgets into their websites.

As well as making your boards more accessible, we’re thinking of adding public URLs to widgets. This would let you share a specific set of bookmarks, notes or a task list with anyone. We at Tixio are always open to new ideas or suggestions. Our main aim is to make the product as good and as useful as it can be.

Share a Tixio Board More Easily and Widely With Public URL

Share your Tixio board more easily, more widely, by sending out a public URL that is easily accessible by anyone you choose to share it with.

