Why I started Tixio

Torstein Gustavsen
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2018

My name is Torstein Gustavsen and I am the founder of Tixio. Tixio is my passion, which is why I’m so excited to launch this new product. Tixio was created from my own personal needs. After six years of managing multiple businesses, I couldn’t find software that could completely handle all of my needs.

I needed to make something myself, something that could organize all my favorite software, online tools and information together in one convenient place. I needed to create software that could fill in the gaps that others left. I wanted to create a system that allowed me to organize and share with my team all the tools and information I rely on for my businesses. While browser bookmarks fill this purpose to some extent, they lack the ability to share.

I started planning. How can I categorize and organize the different things that I use? And, how could I share the login information necessary for team members to get into accounts and sites I use every day. While there are single solutions available, none put everything I needed in one convenient place.

With the creation of Tixio, that’s all taken care of.

We’re making it easy to standardize the information your team uses and synchronize it every time something gets updated or added. Every time a new link or tool is added, it’s instantly added to all the different employees, groups and users that use Tixio today.

As we launch our new product, we look forward to receiving your feedback so that we can make this product even greater. For example, a current Tixio user just asked if we could make a note function, so that they could stop using Windows Notes and instead easily put online for it to be synchronized within their entire team.

Great idea!

Tixio lets you categories your bookmarks, style your widgets and share them with friends or colleges.

A company that uses Tixio asked if we could make a daily checklist for the simple tasks they do every day, something like Trello, Wrike or Asana but without all of the extra features — nothing more than just a simple checklist. While it won’t happen overnight, it’s in the works. And it’s happening because of your feedback. We want to spend our time, money, and energy creating a product you love to use.

To share your thoughts about Tixio and its current platform, you can contact our customer support team and give them your ideas.

We’re excited to listen and learn!

Torstein Gustavsen, Founder of Tixio

