Major Update for Tixl’s Cross-Chain Bridge

Autobahn Network Editor
4 min readJun 30, 2021


Tixl’s Cross-Chain Bridge is evolving from being a Tixl side-project into something much bigger! From now on, it gets a higher focus within Tixl. Why? Because a well-recognized Cross-Chain Bridge fits in perfectly with the interoperability vision that Tixl has. It can also provide a perfect on-ramp to Tixl’s Autobahn Network later in 2021.

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Introduction of Pools

Until now, the Cross-Chain Bridge has required a minter role. Once bridged, tokens get locked/burned and minted on the other side. However, with the next version, Tixl introduces Liquidity Pools on all sides of the bridge — right now, on both the Ethereum and the Binance Smart Chain sides.

This opens up the opportunity to include any (big) token. For USDC, for example, we would have a USDC Pool on Ethereum, a pegged USDC Pool on Binance Smart Chain, and a (pegged) USDC pool on all other networks that will be supported in the future.

Projects and/or the community can provide liquidity themselves to enable bridging.

Permissionless Self-Listing

We recommend that projects use the same wallet as the deployer of the token contract and the same nonce on every Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) network because this results in the same token address for all networks. Firstly, it is easier to communicate that a token has the same address on all networks, and also an external service provider can be sure that the tokens belong together.

If the contract address of a specific token is the same on both networks, the Cross-Chain Bridge will enable self-listing and will become permissionless with this update. The only situation where whitelisting from a bridge representative would be required is where the contract addresses are different on the networks. In this case, we are evaluating how we can make the process as easy and efficient as possible.

More Network Support

We started with Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain as we wanted a decentralized solution to bridge our ERC20 token over to Binance Smart Chain. However, this was just the start of the journey.

True interoperability means the bridge needs to support different networks, as blockchain users might use different ecosystems - be it Polygon, Fantom, or any other network - and we have always remained faithful to this vision.

Our goal is to add all major EVM networks this year and enable direct bridging between all of them.

Incentives for the TXL Community and Liquidity Providers

We have come up with a very interesting concept to incentivize the TXL community and liquidity providers. This will go hand-in-hand with the long-awaited TXL Staking we announced.

In a previous Medium post, we outlined our plan to have TXL Staking — and that we wanted to have that in the Tixl Wallet. With this new concept, we have decided to modify the plans from offering TXL Staking inside the Tixl Wallet to offering TXL Farming directly inside the Bridge. The business model is the same: Stakers or, now, Farmers get the rewards from the bridge fees.

It is called “Farming”, but it resembles “Indirect Staking”: Instead of getting TXL rewards for simply putting TXL aside, you can now decide to participate in the bridging fees from any supported token. If you choose TXL as a reward then you have chosen TXL staking yourself.

TXL Buy-Back & Burns

15% of the bridging fees will not be put into the farming pools but will be collected over time, swapped to TXL, and burned. This creates continuous TXL deflation.

NFT Support

As mentioned earlier in our partnership with Polychain Monsters (formerly Polkamon), we plan to have NFT support inside Tixl’s Autobahn Network. In addition, many projects like Polychain Monsters want — and need — bridge NFT support. Tixl’s Cross-Chain Bridge will also enable the bridging of NFTs.

This works by way of having NFT tokens whitelisted and minted as “Bridged Collections” on the other networks. A fixed bridging fee will be collected that will also be used for TXL burns.

The On-Ramp to Tixl’s Autobahn Network

Tixl’s core product is the Autobahn Network. What is unique is that it’s a layer 1 with full layer 2 capabilities — meaning any connected Mainnet can be used within Tixl’s Autobahn Network.

No matter which Mainnet we connect to the Autobahn Network, the other Mainnet’s token needs to be bridged into the Autobahn Network (just) once to enjoy all the benefits of interoperability, tiny fees, and instant-speed uniqueness.

This is where the Tixl Cross-Chain Bridge comes into play. With the Cross-Chain Bridge providing the conduit for other Mainnets into Tixl’s Autobahn Network, it will help bring in the deposits needed to drive adoption and convince developers to build more interoperable dApps on the Autobahn Network.

Further Ideas

Our ideas on how to improve the Tixl Cross-Chain Bridge are manifold. As a teaser: In the future, the bridge could require the TXL token as a stake for the validators — which would eventually require — and lockup — many TXL tokens. This is just one of the many ideas we have for continuing to monetize the bridge.

With this innovative bridge solution, we look forward to solving bridge problems for many projects and tokens and, at the same time, building the interoperable Bridge Gateway to Tixl’s Autobahn Network.

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Autobahn Network Editor

Contributing to the Publication of the Autobahn Network, the first Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup for BSC.