How Yuku Faked His Death — this applies only to certain whale species (1)

Samuel Edward Koranteng
TLTW | The Laws That Work
3 min readJan 22, 2021
Artist Impression of Yuku the whale Art cover (TLTW; Samuel Edward Koranteng)

Chapter 1

Somehow deep down the Pacific a meeting was holding between the whales and the sharks. The century long peace treaty was on the verge of dissolution and the whale King, Bob Beluga was not going to let that happen.
The two factions had shared the peninsula for ages, their fathers before them had fought side by side to protect it against the merhorse invasion. A shared victory that had meant that no shark could harm a whale for as long as the peninsula remained.

But now the ocean’s bubbling livelihood would be marred with that fateful morning’s tragic and mysterious death. A young orca had been discovered dead, it looked hurriedly buried in the shallows of the east cape -a place notoriously popular for being the hangout of rogue hammerheads.
What made this death a potentially sinister ordeal was that the orca was without both its eyes and its dorsal fin. Bite marks showing where the fin should have been.

Beluga was a wise King. And had shown this a great many times. Who could forget how he had smoothly dealt with the matter of Fentu-whale’s fish farm poisoning, or the saga involving the Shark university’s first blue whale student. But now, days had become weeks and weeks months and he had failed to provide answers to Yuku’s parents questions -why their young orca child looked like he had been murdered, and the clues all pointing towards shark foul plane. The Peninsula’s community was agitated. Mostly by the orca whisperings and their open indiscretions.

Tensions were on the rise and a confrontation was imminent.

Sulu woke up early that morning. He was the oldest child. And was following his father to the meeting with the King. He had cried his eyes sore when news hit home two months ago. The crime scene photos had broken him. His baby brother savagely murdered. His anger boiled underneath his blubber exterior.
If the King provided no answers. He would seek his very own. And execute revenge for Yuku.

Mama would not be in the meeting. She had had enough reminding. Constantly the house run wild with visiting wailers and sympathisers. A few sharks had come too.

Sulu swam close to his father. They exchanged no words. The sea was very salty today. That’s how you knew sharks we’re close. The shrill salad he had eaten that morning turned and churned in his belly. Shrill don’t die quickly enough.

The Kings palace was packed when they arrived. The crowd made way for them. Sharks of all types had come in their numbers. For them the verdict meant everything. Even their aged clan chief was there. He had to be towed in. Dragging him along the seabed on rafters. He was a remnant of the pre-treaty era. And quite old.

To Be Continued in Chapter 2

