6-Step Guide to Define Productivity and Time Management

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6 min readDec 7, 2023

Summary: With time management skills, we can step back from the chaos of modern life and take control of our work and life schedule, crafting a life that reflects our deepest desires and aspirations, a masterpiece of balance, harmony, and fulfillment.

The pace of life today makes it clear that every moment is filled with the potential for both creation and chaos, emphasizing that time management is not just a skill but an art form.

It leads to the question of how we can harness our hours to yield existence that is:

  • productive
  • balanced
  • rewarding.

Below, there are practical strategies for effective time management, enabling you to take control and craft a life that resonates with your deepest aspirations.

The Philosophy of Time Tracking

To begin our journey, we must first acknowledge a fundamental truth: time, like the elusive quantum particle, behaves differently when observed.

Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, once said, “What gets measured gets managed.” This principle holds true in time management, where tracking time helps identify areas you may miss to improve and allocate resources more effectively.

Time tracking isn’t merely logging hours; it’s an act of bringing awareness to how we interact with time as the most democratic of all resources.

By meticulously recording how we spend each hour, we gain insights into our own behavioral patterns, revealing the gap between our intentions and actions.

This self-awareness is the cornerstone of productivity.

The Productivity Paradox

Productivity, often misconstrued as the relentless pursuit of task completion, is more nuanced.

It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters.

Tim Ferriss, the author of “The 4-Hour Workweek”, famously emphasized this by advocating for working smarter, not harder.

Indeed, in a world swamped with information and distractions, the ability to discern the essential from the ephemeral is crucial.

The Pareto Principle can be helpful in understanding the mentioned nuances of time allocation: the 80/20 rule suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts.

Identifying and focusing on these impactful activities is the essence of anyone’s true productivity.

The Art of Balance

Balance is not found in the extremes but in the harmonious integration of various aspects of life.

It’s about creating a unison of work, leisure, relationships, and personal growth and giving each part of your life a starring role.

Discovering the equilibrium is vital for long-term productivity and well-being.

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, once remarked, “There’s no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences.”

By consciously weaving together different areas of our lives, we unlock a richness and completion that goes beyond mere balance.

From this angle, the concept of ‘work-life balance’ appears a misnomer; in actuality, aiming for balance is more about ‘staying in life harmony’ where different elements coexist and enhance each other.

The Task Completion Conundrum

Completing tasks is satisfying, but the key is to complete the right tasks.

The Eisenhower Matrix now became a tool used to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance, can be invaluable here.

Prioritization, as outlined by the Eisenhower Matrix, distinguishes between what’s urgent and what’s important, optimizing productivity.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, whom the matrix is named after, demonstrated this through his effective decision-making skills.

It teaches us that not all tasks are created equal, and sometimes, the most productive thing we can do is to decide what not to do.

The Narrative of Time Management

Time management is more than a series of techniques; it’s a narrative we weave into our daily lives.

Viewing time management as a story enhances its effectiveness and personal relevance.

Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, suggests that effective time management means being proactive and focusing on what’s within our control, which aligns with crafting a meaningful narrative for our time.

It implies crafting a story where each chapter, each hour, is purposefully designed to contribute to our larger goals and aspirations.

  • Create and follow your plot: in your narrative, these are the events you include in your daily and weekly tasks.
  • Assume that each day is a ‘scene’ in your story, with specific objectives (tasks) that contribute to the overall plot (your goals).
  • Plan your days and weeks with this story in mind. Prioritize tasks that directly contribute to your story arc. For example, if your goal is to write a book, prioritize writing activities. Reflect at the end of each day or week on how your completed tasks have moved your story forward.

This narrative approach transforms mundane tasks into meaningful steps in our personal epic.

Engagement and Entertainment

Forget the dull and tedious image of time management. We can transform it into an engaging and entertaining experience. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique can add a sense of play and urgency to mundane tasks.

Francesco Cirillo, the creator of this technique, shows how breaking down work into intervals can increase focus and productivity.

Rewarding ourselves for meeting goals or completing tasks on time can also turn productivity into a game we look forward to performing in.

Here are three non-trivial ways to reward yourself.

  • Invest in Personal Growth Experiences: Instead of typical rewards like treats or leisure time, consider investing in experiences that contribute to your personal growth and create a positive feedback loop where your productivity leads to further personal development. This could be enrolling in a workshop or course that interests you, attending a seminar or conference, or even booking a session with a life coach or mentor.
  • Plan a ‘Day of Choice’: Allocate a full day to make it a celebration of your recent accomplishments with every activity to be something of your choosing, entirely for your pleasure and relaxation, but different from your routine indulgences. This could mean visiting a place you’ve always wanted to go, trying out a new hobby, or dedicating the day to a personal project you’ve been putting off.
  • Contribute to a Cause You Care About: A deeply fulfilling way to reward yourself is by giving back. After achieving a significant milestone or maintaining good time management over a period, donate to a charity of your choice, volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about, or help someone in need. This type of reward provides a sense of purpose and connection, reminding you that your personal efficiency can have a broader positive impact on the world around you.

These rewards are non-trivial because they extend beyond immediate gratification and offer long-term value by not only celebrating your accomplishments but also enriching your life in meaningful ways.


Effective time management is a transformative practice that enhances every aspect of our lives. By prioritizing and organizing our time effectively, we can create a sense of direction in what we do.

Mastering the art of time management allows us to turn our days into a blank canvas, ready to be filled with productive and fulfilling activities, where most moments will give opportunities to create something beautiful and meaningful.

Ultimately, effective time management is not just a useful skill for work — it’s a powerful tool for designing a life that truly represents who we are and what we value.



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