How to Use Delegating for Task and Time Management

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7 min readFeb 1, 2024

Delegation is an important aspect of effective leadership and organizational management.

Meaning of Delegation

Delegation, in essence, is the act of assigning a task or responsibility to another person➡️

It is a key concept used in management and organizational theory, which makes efficient delegation a top-ranking skill for managers and leaders.

In particular, CEOs with high Delegator talent, as surveyed among the Inc. 500 list, showed an average three-year growth rate of 1,751%. It was 112% points higher than the growth rate of CEOs with limited or low delegate talent.

This highlights the significant impact that effective delegation skills can have on company growth and success.

Why is Delegation Important?

A 2007 study on time management found that close to half of the 332 companies surveyed were concerned about their employees’ delegation skills, while only 28% of those companies offered any training on the topic.

Meanwhile, delegation allows managers to free up their time for higher-level tasks and focus on strategic planning and decision-making.

Besides, it empowers team members, enhancing their skills and confidence. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and motivation.

Finally, it fosters a collaborative culture, that is essential for any thriving team.

Pillars of Effective Delegation

Aligned Authority

It implies matching the level of authority granted to the person assigned a task with the level of responsibility they have for its successful completion.

This ensures that the individual has the necessary decision-making powers to carry out the task effectively.

Shared Responsibility

This principle emphasizes collaboration and shared ownership of tasks. Both the person assigning the task and the person responsible for completing it are jointly responsible for achieving the desired outcome.

This encourages a teamwork approach, where successes and learnings from failures are celebrated and analyzed together.

Open Accountability

This principle promotes transparency and clear communication in the delegation. Expectations should be well-defined, and progress and results should be trackable through open channels.

Unwavering Trust

This principle highlights the significance of building trust between the person assigning the task and the person responsible for executing it. The assignor must have faith in the assignee’s abilities and judgment, allowing them to work independently and creatively.

In turn, the assignee must demonstrate reliability and maintain the trust placed in them.

Common Barriers to Delegating

Though the benefits of delegating are obvious, putting delegation into practice can be challenging for many managers.

Here are some reasons why.

Lack of trust

Managers may struggle to delegate effectively because they don’t fully trust their team members to complete tasks to a high standard.

This lack of trust can stem from various factors, such as inexperience or past mistakes made by team members.

How to Gain Clients’ Trust

Fear of loss of control

Some managers may feel that by delegating tasks, they will lose control over the outcome or process.

Inadequate training or resources

Managers may not provide adequate training or resources to support their team members in taking on new responsibilities.

Without proper guidance and tools, team members may struggle to complete tasks successfully, leading to frustration and decreased motivation.

Poor communication

Delegation requires clear communication about expectations, roles, and responsibilities.

If managers fail to communicate effectively, confusion and misunderstandings can arise, making it difficult for team members to execute their assigned tasks.


Some managers may delegate tasks but still maintain a high level of control, checking in frequently or correcting minor errors.

Resistance to change

Changing habits and processes can be challenging for everyone involved. Some managers might resist delegating tasks because it requires adjustments to their workflow, routine, or mindset.

Concerns about accountability

Managers may worry that if they delegate tasks and something goes wrong, they will be held accountable for the mistake.

Limited understanding of strengths and weaknesses

Effective delegation involves assigning tasks that play to each team member’s strengths and skills.

If managers don’t have a good grasp of their team members’ abilities, they may assign tasks that are not well-suited to their strengths, leading to suboptimal performance.

No clear delegation strategy

Delegation should be a deliberate and planned process with clear goals and guidelines.

Without a well-defined strategy, managers may delegate tasks randomly or inconsistently, which can create confusion and inefficiencies.

Best Delegation Practices

List the Tasks to Delegate

  • Not all tasks are suitable for delegation
  • Focus on delegating routine, time-consuming tasks or those that provide a growth opportunity for team members.

Identify the Right Person for the Task

Consider the following factors when choosing who is best suited for the task:

  • Skills
  • Experience
  • Availability of potential delegates.

Communicate Expectations and Provide Resources

Provide the delegate with the necessary resources, such as information, tools, and support. Communicate expectations, including:

  • Deadlines
  • Milestones
  • Performance standards.

Delegate Authority

Give the delegate the authority and autonomy to:

  • Make decisions without the risk of being micromanaged
  • Take the actions necessary to complete the task.

Monitor and Track Progress

Keep a balance between:

  • Giving autonomy
  • Staying informed about the progress.

Consider using time tracking to be unobtrusive with check-ins to identify and resolve issues early.

Provide Feedback and Recognition

  • Consider intervals of time (for instance, in 7, 30, or 60 days) that would be suitable for giving feedback based on accumulated data.
  • Offer constructive feedback by crediting the efforts of task performers
  • Acknowledge the achievements of those who complete delegated tasks.

This recognition boosts morale and reinforces the value of their contributions.

When to Delegate

Don’t let perfectionism impede progress. Delegate tasks when someone can deliver a solid 80% instead of trying to do everything yourself.

Delegating is appropriate when:

  • The task doesn’t require the manager’s direct involvement and can be completed by someone else.
  • The task provides an opportunity to grow and develop someone else’s skills.
  • The task is likely to occur again in the future.
  • There is enough time to delegate the job effectively, taking into account possible training, coaching, monitoring, etc.

The Potential of Horizontal Delegation

Delegation is not always from senior to junior. While it is common for managers or senior team members to delegate tasks to more junior team members, delegation can occur between peers.

In a peer-to-peer delegation scenario, team members may delegate tasks to each other based on their respective skills, workloads, or areas of expertise. Often, it is utilized for efficiency, to leverage specific expertise, or to manage workload effectively within a team.

This scenario can be particularly relevant:

  • in flat organizations marked by a decentralized work culture
  • collaborative projects
  • in situations where specialized skills are required for specific tasks, and the person with those skills is at the same hierarchical level.


Delegation is not just a management tool; it’s a vital skill for any leader. It offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, team development, and enhanced morale.

Just give careful consideration to who to delegate to, set clear communication of expectations, and provide ongoing support and feedback.

By mastering the art of delegation, you not only enhance your leadership but also contribute to a more dynamic, skilled, and motivated team.

Start delegating more today, and witness the transformation in your team’s performance and your leadership effectiveness.


How delegating tasks can impact your management skills

Freeing Up Valuable Time 🕒

When you delegate, you pass on tasks that are less critical or outside your expertise. This frees up your time, allowing you to focus on tasks that require your specific skills or are of higher priority.

Increasing Efficiency and Expertise 🏆

Delegation often means tasks are handled by individuals who specialize in those areas. It’s a step towards better quality outcomes as this approach ensures that every aspect of a project is handled by an expert.

Enhancing Team Skills and Morale 👥

Delegating tasks to team members can boost their skills, confidence, and job satisfaction. It demonstrates trust in their abilities, encouraging them to take ownership and grow.

Improving Time Management Skills

Delegating forces you to plan and prioritize tasks. It requires you to assess your workload, identify tasks for delegation, and determine deadlines.

Reducing Burnout 😌

Trying to do everything yourself can lead to stress and burnout. Delegating helps distribute the workload more evenly across your team, reducing the risk of burnout.

Building a Supportive Work Culture 🤝

Effective delegation can help foster a culture where teamwork and support are valued. It shows that you trust and rely on others, which can strengthen relationships and improve overall team dynamics.

How to Overcome Challenges to Delegation

  • Fear of Losing Control: Remember, delegation doesn’t mean losing control. It’s about entrusting tasks while maintaining oversight.
  • Lack of Trust: Building trust takes time. Start by delegating small tasks and gradually increase the complexity as trust develops.
  • Poor Communication: Effective communication is key. Ensure clarity in your instructions and be open to questions and discussions.
  • Resistance from Team Members: Resistance is often due to fear or misunderstanding. Address concerns openly and emphasize the benefits and opportunities that delegation brings.



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