The Hands-Down Best Quotes About Productivity

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6 min readSep 27, 2022

Productivity Hacks

It can be difficult to find the time to read through all of the books full of quotable wisdom about productivity and time management. Luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you, and have compiled the best quotes into one handy list.

Productivity is a funny thing. It can be hard to define and even harder to master, but it’s worth pursuing because achieving high productivity links to having a meaningful life.

The original ideas on productivity and time management can not only inspire and motivate us at the time of uncertainty but give the actionable tip on how to take our career and happiness to the next level.

That’s the number of quotes we’ve collected to help improve time management and reignite your strive for productivity.

On Goal Setting 🏹

Think It Dream It Do It

“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” — Michael Phelps

Case in point: This is a quote from some of the most prominent and successful athlete of all time. Michael Phelps’ view may surely help you expand your horizon on what to consider goal-worthy and build proper strategies for a better life.

On Setting Priorities📝

Prioritize Religiously

Think of many things; do one.” — Portuguese proverb

Case in point: Being presented with over 30 productivity techniques now, prioritization roots in the Eisenhauer matrix breaking down all your tasks by importance and urgency.

Focus on the one that is most important in the long run: it prevents flip-flopping between superficial coping strategies, lets you put time into the right things, and helps be an achiever.

On Creativity for Innovation 🌟

Enjoy Being Creative

“I am always doing something I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” — Pablo Picasso

Case in point: When we are using somebody’s strategy there are no trade-offs: we apply techniques that are time-tested. On the one hand, it works for safety and efficiency.

But on the other hand, sticking to this approach can limit your creativity so tip the scales in favor of innovation by trying new ‘unpaved paths’.

On Work Life Balance ⚖️

Take Time Off

I never have enough time to do all the nothing I want. — Andy Warhol

Case in point: In actuality, doing nothing is great art. It makes a foundation for work life balance, which prevents burnout and mental fatigue. To master this art, we can start by taking breaks and keeping work time under control.

A properly taken break will replenish your energy, decrease bad decision-making and increase your personal productivity. A good break means that we stay away from social media or news and, instead, go low-tech (do a workout, take a brisk walk, nap, have a healthy snack, call a friend, clean, doodle, etc.).

On Task Performance 🧑🏽‍💻

Seek Excellence

It is not the employer who pays wages; he only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages.” — Henry Ford

Case in point: Henry Ford was the man who introduced productivity measurements based on precise timing in car manufacturing. His concept was widely adopted by other industries.

It would be impossible to disagree with the straightforward idea of polishing your performance for higher productivity.

On Making Big Planning 🧭

Step Out Of Comfort Zone

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you must be willing to do something you’ve never done before.”- Thomas Jefferson

Case in point: One of the keys to unlocking productivity and meeting deadlines is doing what you can until it’s done, which requires two choices, developing resilience and welcoming the new experiences.

On Time Tracking ⏱️️

Empower Yourself Now

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now. — Chinese proverb

Case in point: Every moment we spend looking back keeps us from moving forward. Rather than falling victim to regrets about time lost, it is advisable to develop a habit of time tracking.

The habit of time tracking is indeed effective. It helps you automate decisions so you do not rely only on your willpower when it comes to work, and focus on the creative tasks at hand.

On Motivation 📣

Act Because Action Ignites Motivation

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain

Case in point: Waiting for the moment of divine inspiration may be a good choice but why not try a more sure way of inviting motivation?

According to experts, in most cases, action precedes motivation, and boosts productivity and self-esteem. Just take that first step.

On Strategic Thinking ✍🏽

Rethink Your Tactics

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” — Sir Winston Churchill

Case in point: Strategic thinking is important for achieving long-term goals, upscaling, and growth. But in the absence of results, the attempts of envisioning the future are just untested opinions.

It means that to build a proper strategy, we need to ensure we choose tactics that bring us advantages rather than instant gratifications.

On Mental Health🧘🏽‍♀️

Reduce Your Anxiety

“You will never get the time back that was spent on worrying about things, so why not put it to use?” — C. JoyBell C.

Case in point: Being a leading female writer, C. JoyBell C got her status as one of the most quotable thinkers, which explains why her literary works inspire across generations and cultures.

Why not follow her advice and try to turn stress into success?

Conclusion 🏁

Anyone who has ever uttered the phrase “I don’t have enough time” might want to take a look at these quotes about time management and productivity. It’s certainly food for thought.

They offer advice for both newbies and experts, and no matter where you are in the spectrum of productivity, these quotes will give you a dose of motivation. And then the famous quote by William Penn ‘’ Time is what we want most, but what we use worst’’ would not apply to you.

Originally published at on September 27, 2022.



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