The Problem of Routine

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6 min readMar 13, 2024

Routine can become a trap, hindering effective time management and negatively affecting overall wellbeing.

While routines offer structure and efficiency, excessive routines can become a rut, negatively affecting time management and productivity.

In other words, routine is a double-edged sword ⚔ ️offering efficiency but demanding dynamism to thrive.

But how come a useful and stabilizing thing like a routine ultimately harms us?

Why Routine Becomes a Problem 🔄

  • Falling into routines that conflict with personal values creates an internal clash. You might be living a life that contradicts your true desires, leading to a feeling of being stuck between who you are and who you want to be.
  • Breaking free from the familiar can be intimidating. The fear of the unknown and the resistance to stepping outside your comfort zone act as roadblocks, hindering progress. Often, habits are tied to emotional comfort, making it challenging to break free from the security they provide.
  • Certain habits, like procrastination, can lead to a chronic inability to complete tasks or achieve goals due to the lack of progress.
  • Neuroscience explains the difficulty of forming new habits. The brain is wired for efficiency and resists new patterns, which makes new behaviors feel unnatural and require more effort than well-worn routines.
  • Continuing the same routines without introducing variation ensures life remains stagnant. This repetitive nature reinforces the feeling of being stuck in a never-ending loop.

Meanwhile, breaking out monotonous routines and consciously choosing vibrant and lively ones can add variety to our schedules and increase productivity and well-being.

The Bottom Line: Constant exposure to things around us can numb us to them, causing us to miss inefficiencies that could be improved.

This can include:

  • Toxic relationships (We normalize unhealthy dynamics)
  • Workplace inefficiencies (We fail to see areas for improvement)
  • Undervaluing the familiar (We take loved ones and experiences for granted).

Impact on Time Management ⌛

  • Stagnation: Sticking solely to established routines limits exploration of potentially better time management methods.
  • Missed opportunities: Fixed schedules might cause us to miss out on unexpected opportunities or unforeseen challenges.

Impact on Wellbeing 🧘🏻‍♀️

  • Decreased creativity: Lack of new experiences hinders creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Boredom and dissatisfaction: Monotony leads to a lack of stimulation and fulfillment.
  • Curiosity crisis: The lack of exploration contributes to lower happiness ratings.

How to Make Routines Less Tedious 💡

Disclaimer: Don’t neglect existing commitments. Trying to completely revamp everything can lead to burnout and overwhelm. Make adjustments that fit your current lifestyle.

Take Breaks

Stepping away from your routine allows you to reset your perspective.

Short getaways or even brief mindfulness exercises can be enough to recharge your mental batteries.

Returning refreshed, you’ll be better equipped to spot inefficiencies that might have previously gone unnoticed.

Change Up Your Scenery

Ditch the monotony and switch between working from home, a co-working space, or a local coffee shop.

A change of scenery can stimulate your brain and help you approach tasks with renewed focus.

Expand Your Network

Meeting new people and exploring different social circles exposes you to diverse perspectives and experiences.

It broadens your mental landscape and can lead to innovative solutions you might not have considered before.

Also, actively seek opportunities to engage with your community or volunteer for causes important to you.

Balance Comfort and Discovery

This involves finding a sweet spot between exploiting the efficiency of established routines and stimulating new experiences.

One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on. — Alain de Botton


Infuse your routine with short, achievable challenges.

Time yourself while folding laundry, or create a playlist that ends just as you finish cleaning the kitchen.


Turn chores into a game!

Track points for completed tasks, reward yourself for reaching milestones or compete with a friend (virtually if needed).

Themed Twists

For repetitive tasks like exercise, choose a daily theme.

Listen to music from a specific genre during each workout or alternate between cardio and strength routines based on a chosen movie title.

Sensory Play

Engage multiple senses.

Light a scented candle while cleaning, listen to an audiobook during your commute, or play upbeat music while cooking.

Multitasking (Smartly)

Combine activities strategically.

Listen to podcasts while doing chores, learn a new language during your commute, or catch up on emails while waiting for laundry.

Batching Similar Tasks

Group similar tasks together.

Dedicate specific days for errands or answer emails in designated blocks to avoid constant switching.

Express Yourself

Personalize your routine.

Decorate your workspace, choose visually appealing workout clothes, or play music that reflects your mood.

Reward System

Set up a reward system for completing tasks.

For example, take a coffee break after finishing a challenging project or indulge in a relaxing activity after a productive day.

Nature Fix

Integrate nature into your day.

Take a walk during your lunch break, work in a park when possible, or open a window to get some fresh air.

Learn Something New

Dedicate a small portion of your routine to learning something new.

Engage in activities or studies that bridge different disciplines or combine skills in novel ways.

For example, if you’re in a technical field, explore an art class; if you’re an artist, delve into coding or science.

Picture your brain forming new connections as you meet the challenge and learn. Keep on going.– Dr. Carol Dweck

Listen to educational podcasts, take online courses, or read articles on a topic that interests you.

This approach breaks the monotony and fosters innovative thinking and creativity by showing how seemingly unrelated fields can inform and enrich each other.

Mindfulness Moments

Try short mindfulness practices.

Take a few deep breaths before starting a task, focus on the present moment during mundane activities, or practice gratitude for simple things.

Strategic Discomfort

Intentionally place yourself in situations that challenge your comfort zone, whether taking on a project in an unfamiliar domain, learning a new skill, or even changing your daily commute.

These changes don’t have to be drastic; even small alterations can significantly impact your brain’s engagement and plasticity.

Strategic discomfort allows you to feel that you’re not just going through the motions but actively engaging with the world around you.

Reflective Journaling

Try reflective journaling, focusing not on daily activities but on thoughts, feelings, and responses to the changes you’re implementing.

Reflective journaling helps identify patterns that may contribute to feeling stuck.

It offers a structured way to contemplate and plan changes that align more closely with one’s personal values and goals.

Technology to the Rescue

Utilize technology to your advantage.

Set reminders for important tasks, use apps to track your progress, or leverage online tools to make your life easier.

Concluding Thought 🏁

Routines are the foundation for a well-managed life, but like a well-worn path, they can become a rut.

The key 🔑 lies in balancing the comfort of established practices and the invigorating energy of new experiences.

Venturing beyond the familiar borders of our daily routines is akin to embarking on a journey of self-discovery and improvement.

In these moments, when we dare to leave our comfort zones, we stumble upon hidden inefficiencies that have been quietly shaping our lives.

It’s an opportunity to view the world through a fresh lens, to challenge our preconceptions, and to grow in ways we hadn’t imagined possible.



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