The Types of Employee Performance Evaluation Templates You Need to Know

Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2024

Performance evaluations are crucial for:

  • assessing employee performance
  • identifying areas for improvement
  • setting development goals.

The article presents a list of templates that provide a structured approach to evaluating various aspects of an employee’s contribution.

Employee Self-Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template allows employees to actively reflect on their performance by addressing specific questions about their accomplishments, challenges, and future goals.
  • Benefits: Encourages self-awareness, promotes ownership of performance, and facilitates a two-way dialogue during the review process.

Peer Review Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template empowers colleagues to provide valuable feedback on each other’s performance, often based on a set of pre-defined criteria or competencies.
  • Benefits: Offers diverse perspectives on an employee’s strengths and weaknesses, fosters collaboration, and encourages a culture of continuous improvement.

Managerial Effectiveness Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template assesses the effectiveness of managers in leading teams, making decisions, communicating with staff, and achieving results.
  • Benefits: Helps identify areas where managers can strengthen their leadership skills and ensures alignment with organizational goals.

Sales Performance Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template focuses specifically on quantifiable sales metrics such as revenue generated, new clients acquired, and customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Benefits: Provides data-driven insights into sales performance, facilitates goal setting, and enables targeted coaching and development.

Customer Service Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template measures the quality of customer service provided by employees through metrics such as response time, resolution rate, and customer satisfaction scores.
  • Benefits: Identifies areas for improvement in customer service processes, ensures alignment with customer expectations, and helps to improve customer satisfaction.

Training & Development Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template evaluates the effectiveness of training programs and employee development opportunities offered by the organization.
  • Benefits: Helps assess the return on investment in training and development programs, allows for continuous improvement of learning initiatives, and ensures alignment with organizational needs.

Leadership Competency Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template assesses an individual’s leadership skills, including communication, decision-making, strategic thinking, and team building abilities.
  • Benefits: Provides insights into leadership potential, facilitates targeted development plans, and supports the growth of future leaders within the organization.

Behavioral Competency Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template evaluates an employee’s behavioral competencies such as adaptability, initiative, creativity, reliability, and work ethic.
  • Benefits: Provides a holistic view of an employee’s performance beyond technical skills, helps identify areas for improvement, and supports the development of well-rounded individuals.

360-Degree Feedback Template

  • Details: Gathers feedback from self, manager, peers, and customers for a holistic view.
  • Benefits: Provides a multi-dimensional perspective, identifies blind spots, fosters open communication, and encourages employee engagement.

Project Management Evaluation Template

  • Details: This template evaluates the project management skills of individuals who lead projects, measuring factors like planning, execution, budgeting, risk management, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Benefits: Provides insights into project management strengths and weaknesses, ensures effective project execution, and helps to improve project outcomes.

To gain a more comprehensive picture of employee performance, managers can utilize a single template incorporating several evaluation types.

Below is an example of such a template: it combines self-evaluation, peer feedback, and manager assessments.

Wrap Up

With these comprehensive performance evaluation templates, managers can easily create targeted development plans to ensure employees’ continuous growth and success.

And, in addition to various types of employee performance evaluation templates, utilizing tools like TMetric can streamline the tracking and assessment process, ensuring a more efficient and accurate evaluation system.



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