Time Management Terms that People Often Use Incorrectly

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3 min readMay 28, 2024

We all juggle priorities, but are we using the right time management vocabulary? Let’s clear up some commonly misused terms to optimize your daily efficiency!

To-do List

A to-do list is a list of tasks or activities that need to be completed. However, many people use it as a dumping ground for all their tasks without prioritizing or scheduling them. This leads to feeling overwhelmed and unproductive.


Many people believe that multitasking means doing multiple things at once, but in reality, it means switching between tasks quickly. Research has shown that multitasking can lead to decreased productivity, increased errors, and higher stress levels.


Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something that needs to be done. While some people may use this term interchangeably with “time wasting,” procrastination involves intentionally putting off a task despite knowing that there will be negative consequences.


Prioritization is the process of determining which tasks are most important and should be tackled first. However, many people confuse urgency with importance and end up focusing on less critical tasks.


Delegation is the transfer of responsibility for a task or activity to another person. But, many people misunderstand delegation as passing off work they don’t want to do rather than assigning tasks based on someone else’s strengths and skills.

Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. However, some people misinterpret this principle as meaning that they must always allocate the maximum amount of time possible for each task.


Batching refers to grouping similar tasks together and completing them in one sitting. Some people mistakenly think that batching means randomly grouping any tasks together, regardless of their nature or complexity.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is the practice of allocating specific timeslots for different tasks throughout the day. However, some people misunderstand time blocking as setting rigid schedules that cannot be adjusted or modified.


Efficiency refers to accomplishing more in less time while maintaining quality. People sometimes mistake efficiency for speed, leading to rushed work and lower quality output.

Time Management

Time management is a learned skill that requires consistent effort and refinement over time. With practice, anyone can improve their ability to manage their time effectively. However, many people believe this skill is innate, meaning some folks are just born with a knack for it.

Productivity Tools

Productivity tools are meant to enhance your skills, not replace them. However, some people mistakenly believe they’re just about working faster or doing the work for you altogether.


Productivity refers to achieving desired outcomes within a given period. It’s not just about being busy but getting meaningful work done. Therefore, merely ticking off items from your to-do list does not necessarily mean you have been productive.

Bonus: The Ultimate Productivity Checklist

📝 Create daily/weekly to-do lists

❌ Avoid multitasking; focus on one thing at a time

⏳ Set deadlines for yourself to prevent procrastination ⌛

⚠️ Prioritize tasks by importance and urgency

💸 Identify tasks that can be delegated according to others’ strengths

⚙️ Strive for efficiency; accomplish more in less time

🕰️ Schedule tasks using time blocking techniques

🚀 Utilize productivity tools wisely (they aid, not replace)

✅ Measure success by goals achieved, not hours worked ⏲️



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