TMTG 21st Token Burn Event, with 44 Million TMTG Token Burned

TMTG Official
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2020

44 million TMTG (The Midas Touch Gold) tokens were burned on 26th Aug 2020.

This is the 21st token burn conducted as part of the TMTG foundation commitment to align our interest with TMTG token owners. In the first week of the token burn (8th April), TMTG foundation burned 24 million TMTG tokens and we have progressively increased the size of each token burn by 1 million TMTG tokens each week. To date, the total amount of tokens that have been burned is approximately 714,000,000 TMTG tokens!

There is a final token burn which will be completed on 2nd September 2020. While this is the final scheduled token burn, we are discussing internally on whether the token burn program should be extended. Because the Touch Gold Exchange is still under development, we aim to focus our efforts on a strategy to grow TMTG through new major exchange listings and for a consistent buyback and token burn program.

The team is preparing for the launch of the beta version of the Touch Gold Exchange and additional listing on large exchanges to grow the network value even further!

These burned tokens have been bought-back from exchanges that have listed TMTG tokens. The full history of tokens burned can be obtained from this link:


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