An example to follow

Rashid Beissov
To Be Excited, Or Not To Be
3 min readDec 5, 2019
Lyuben Zarev photographed by Rashid Beissov

He is coding and trying to develop his app. A lot of people are coming to him to ask about the university life. Other than that, he is picking the date for the upcoming event of his club.

Lyuben Zarev is a senior from Bulgaria, Sofia who is majoring in Computer Science and Business Administration in American University in Bulgaria. Also, he is a participant of the Hub club and the president of RockJammingClub. But Lyuben tries to be successful everywhere and he was chosen to be a senior resident assistant of Skaptopara 2. “My hobbies are music, playing guitar, reading, and skiing and the last book I read was the collection of short stories by H.P.Lovecraft” he says.

Lyuben became a resident assistant two years ago and he had to help students, take night and day duties, and make rounds all around the Skapto. Now, he is a senior RA and his list of duties is not getting shorter. “As a senior RA I have to be the leader of the team, make the schedules for other RAs and make sure that hours are counted, so everyone are going to get paid” he says.

With all these responsibilities, Lyuben is doing the senior project for his Computer Science major. His confidence and trustworthy tone is giving the feeling that he knows what he is talking about. “I think time management is a skill and everyone can learn it. With the time you get better” he says.

Lyuben’s project is an Android app with which people can scan the item and know how to recycle it. He is extremely concerned about the environmental situation nowadays. Other than that app, he twice organized an event to collect bottle cups and recycle it. “I was thinking that many people don’t know what is the best way to recycle things. For example, if you throw a beer can without washing it, this might damage the material which will make the recycling process impossible. And I hope that one day it will end up beneficial for the society” he says.

Lyuben Zarev photographed by Rashid Beissov

Apart from the studying he is travelling all around the world. The first place in his top of all countries he has been to is Kazakhstan. It is not common place for European citizen to go, but Lyuben went. “We went there with my girlfriend Aila to see her family. For me it was a bit different than I expected. The capital is modern and the way of life there is much faster than in Bulgaria. Also, I had a chance to try some traditional food. Honestly, I was eating it every day” Lyuben says.

This Fall Break, Lyuben got married. Now he is thinking about finding a job in Sofia in order to support his wife, Aila, and his family. The moment he says her name, he smiles. “I remember that we took a class together and we lived on the same floor. We ended up studying together and one night we were just talking for the whole night. That is how we got to know each other” Lyuben says.

Lyuben thinks that he had grown a lot as a person after his freshmen year. His gestures show that he is trying to remember the whole path he made. “I was a bit different person. Now I am more open and definitely grew as a person. When I talk to someone younger, I feel old. The way I think of things is more serious and I am trying look at something from different perspectives” he says.

Vassiliy Kharlamov, Lyuben’s friend and club mate, describes him as a loyal friend and one of the kindest person he knows. “It was about two years ago, when Lyuben became a part of RockJammingClub. We immediately became friends. I always knew that he is the one I can rely on and ask for anything. As I am graduating this semester, I will miss this kind, smart, and supportive person” Vassiliy says.


Rashid Beissov is a Journalism and Mass Communication major. He always tries to interview people with interesting background and smile on their faces.

